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Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

Hey are you an Egypt lover too, yes i can't believe how advanced civilisations where in those days, all those people who are forgotten, who will remember you or i in 1000 years? maybe you and me Karen should focus on that, no one will remember who we are in the pages of time.


ooooh dark chocolate, my favourite, you will have to put up with my size 12 foot, but no problem, plenty of room.


nice to here you focus on something else, it was about the great city of petra, well that is in Jordan, sorry, but the buildings where of Egypt origins, the sculptures and the beautiful buildings, petra is the one large building carved into the stone wall, so beautiful, look it up on google if you can.


my favourite Egyptian god is Ra the sun god, the eagle, so beautiful, all the statues, oh my gosh they must have been a sight in their day, all painted and admired.  oh i can just imagine the gold statues and the bussling cities, i know i am looking through rose coloured glasses, but it is nice to imagine.


take care my angel, i will bring the hot chocolate Smiley Happy

Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

Karen you probably will not read this until tomorrow, but if you would like to talk i will be on the computer all day tomorrow, i am only too happy to keep you company. Smiley Happy

Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

good morning my angel,


well we have another day, the sun is shining here, i went for my walk this morning, their where mag pies everywhere getting food and twigs for their nests, singing their beautiful tune, it was foggy here, but is starting to lift now.


i hope today you find a nice spot to enjoy the wildlife and the beauty of nature.


i am here if you want to talk or just sit together quietly. Smiley Happy


take care, be safe



Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

Hi Jacques

Thanks for sitting with me when I need to.

It's a freezing cold morning and lots of rain.

I went to the girls assembly and now gone Bush. I don't want anyone around. I'm triggered enough.

Thanks for understanding j.


Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

Wow good on you making it to the girls assembly, can you describe what you are seeing now to me, the sights, the sounds, etc?

It's OK if you don't want to, I will just sit with you.

You are my angel


Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

Hey Jacques

The mountains are covered in heavy cloud, it is raining. So all the trees are drooping because of the weight on them.


There is a pair of cookaburras swooping down to get the mud cabbies and worms.

There are some cockatoo in the distance.

I can hear the river running really fast the noise of the rain on my car.


That's about it the ducks are hiding too wet for them.

I hope your day has some sunshine in it J.

Thinking of you


Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

What a lovely description of the beautiful scene before you @hiddenite I can picture it now. What sounds can you hear? What can you smell?

Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

OMG I love kookaburra's, we have always a family of them and they visit most days.

The sound of the river must be really nice, I love the sound of running water, can't wait to put my pond in.

Oh the ducks need to toughen up, they have waterproof feathers, lol.

Yes the sun is shining brightly in the central west NSW, I can hear the birds tweeting and the Wind blowing through the branches, so peaceful. All the wildlife are either playing or having an early lunch.

I can smell all the different variety of flowers it is so nice, but not good for my hay fever. The smell of coffee is perfuming the air.

Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

I can smell wet grass, the sweet smell of the wattle on the black wood trees. I can hear the wind in the trees.

Screeching of the cockatoo, laughing of the collaborate.

I don't Everett go back

Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

Sorry stupid spell thing "kookaburra"

I don't ever want to go back