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Writing and receiving letters via virtual post
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17 Sep 2021 09:37 PM - edited 17 Sep 2021 09:43 PM
17 Sep 2021 09:37 PM - edited 17 Sep 2021 09:43 PM
Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post
Ever had an epiphany - I looked at this website/forum, and thought I know a guy who might like this...
I spent several hours checking it out (plus googling safety, legitimacy and quality)... then I thought HenryX heaven, or least there is a niche that you'd love. It might take a some time to find that niche considering the huge scope of this particualr writers forum.
I believe its the biggest forum for writers from novice to semi-pro on the internet covering so many areas, some I've never heard of. Pretty sure you'll find an outlet.
Your friend
PS - I joined and shared a bit of Sooty. lol
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18 Sep 2021 11:08 AM
18 Sep 2021 11:08 AM
Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post
Little Bee didn't venture into the Castle very often, but there was this sparkling
light, the colour of Golden Wattle, that was simply irresistible! They just had to
investigate, carefully taking account of the angles & distances, in case the Hive
might like what it was they found there.
What little bee found there was not a flower, it was not soft, fragile & flowing;
it was hard, shiny & golden. Little Bee was looking at a sparkling gold coin, a
magical glow surrounded it. This was the most curious object Little Bee had
ever seen!
Within the glow there was a whisper of a song, little bee hovered closer and
closer so they might hear the melody better. At the instant that little bee touched
the magic glow, they noticed a green-eyed black cat. They felt a bit of confusion,
definitely anxious and a touch of defensiveness.
ZAP FIZZLE TINGLE POP!!! Little Bee was transformed! Suddenly there were
two black cats facing each other. One was a soft, fluffy, green eyed cat; the other
a sleek shiny blue-eyed cat, an Ojos Azule!
Ojos Azule is a breed of cat 🙂
Just after this shocking event, a little girl with no name and her Teacher, a
Professor and the castles much loved cook entered the room. Followed by a
strikingly strong bat carrying a postal parcel. Who knows what went through
their minds, when their eyes took in the scene of two black cats, standing as still
as statues, staring directly at one another?
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18 Sep 2021 05:27 PM - edited 18 Sep 2021 05:32 PM
18 Sep 2021 05:27 PM - edited 18 Sep 2021 05:32 PM
Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post
@Exoplanet @Appleblossom @Adge @HenryX @Oaktree @Flax @Shaz51
a lovely post...little bee
we now have another perspective resident..
an ojus azule..
who has blue eyes...
The nameless little girl....standing slightly behind the others observed the two cats curiously...
she so wanted them to be very best friends so that they could join her on her late night adventures...
Horrace would not mind at all as he was always able to fly higher..
He had actually taken her for a trip around the castle turrets and outer walls....over the moat...around and around the grassed land then into the dark woodland area...
she felt as free as a bird...oops free as a bat...
She was also aware that her piano lessons had been interrupted....
Her teacher gumnut...was not impressed at all...
As for the ballet lessons....the nameless little girl had managed to avoid them so far....
The teacher of ballet seemed very approachable and had a wicked smile on her face at times....
this smile intrigued the nameless little girl and she so hoped that they could do something else together...secretly..
treasure hunting...
hide and seek..
The two black cats had sped off in different cats do..
The professor had forgotten what he was about to do...
The teacher gumnut had decided to pack up her music sheets and walk around the gardens in the sun...
The little bee watched all from above...circling high in the air looking down unnoticed...
the cook arrived back...had slipped away unnoticed..
carrying platters of inviting food..
who might turn up to eat?...
the nameless girl smelt the hot food and felt very hungry all of a sudden..
She scurried off to the dining room to help herself whilst there was still some left..
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18 Sep 2021 07:47 PM
18 Sep 2021 07:47 PM
Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post
Was there any of this (Black Forest Cake) in the Dining Room - For the little nameless Girl to eat? @Sophia1
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18 Sep 2021 09:42 PM - edited 29 Sep 2021 07:22 PM
18 Sep 2021 09:42 PM - edited 29 Sep 2021 07:22 PM
Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post
A despondent Sooty
Sooty's last story for a while
One day, Sooty, the black cat was feeling, well very cat-like. What shall we do today? he thought to himself. Feeling a bit bored, Sooty decided a bit of mischief was in order.
Sooty was wandering around the castle hallways and decided to visit the Professor in the library - Maybe I can get some ideas from him as he's always studying something interesting.
Sooty nonchalantly strolled into the library where he could see the Professor hunched over an ancient tome, reading by candle light. Sooty hopped up onto the large oak table. The Professor absent-mindedly gave Sooty a few pats without taking his eyes from the large book he was reading. Sooty peered at the book and read a few lines - Latin he thought to himself, and read on. He realised that what the Professor was studying was something familiar. Then it came to Sooty, it was the Malleus Maleficarum, a treatise on witches.
Sooty pondered this for a while, then it came to him. Brilliant he thought to himself, and off he jumped and slinked his way out of the library. Sooty made his way down the hallways to the deepest part of the castle when he came to a set of stairs. He knew where these led, down to the castle's dungeon. Sooty reached into his little adventure backpack that he always carried and pulled out a tin of sardines. Humming to himself, he used a sharp claw to pry the ring-pull up on top of the can and pulled out a sardine and laid it on top of the first step. Sooty proceeded down the stairs leaving a sardine every few steps. Once in the lower hall of the dungeon, Sooty proceeded to leave a trail of sardines right into the castle's only dungeon - a solid iron alcove with a thick iron door that was quite gloomy and dark.
Sooty smirked, this shall be fun. Sooty slunk out of the prison cell and found a small box to hunker behind and wait. Some hours passed, and then he heard a slurpy-crunch sound coming from the top of the stairs. Sooty waited and watched, hunkered in the gloom of the dark gallery as a black cat with blue eyes was eagerly following the trail of sardines, munching his way along the trail right into the cell.
There was a stool next the cell door. The cell door was only slightly ajar, just room for a cat to fit through. Once the foreign cat had entered deeply into the thickly barred cell, Sooty pounced onto the stool, and deftly closed the door. Sooty reached the key still in the lock, with a quick twist turned the lock and jumped back off the stool holding the key with one paw. He could hear a yowling from behind the cell door. Sooty placed the key into his backpack then pulled out a piece of chalk and began inscribing strange symbols outside the cell and its door. Sooty then chanted a strange language for a few minutes, made the sign of the cross and walked off up the stairs to find the girl with no name.
As Sooty wondered off into the upper reaches of the castle he pondered why anyone would not want a name. Sooty turned this idea over in his little mind. A problem for a another day he mused as he went in search of the girl with no name. He found her in one of castle turrets gazing out a window arch across the lake surrounding the castle. Sooty, entwined himself around her legs then sat back and reached into his backpack and pulled out the dungeon key. He looked at her with steady green eyes and said "your friend, you know the strange black cat with blue eyes...I've locked him up in the castle dungeon." The girl with no name looked at Sooty. "Oh you naughty cat; why on earth would you do such a thing!" she exclaimed. Sooty looked at one of his paws, and studied his claws for a moment before looking back at her. "It's pretty obvious, isn't it. Everyone knows there is only room for one black cat in any castle, so I've trapped your little friend in the dungeon, and placed an enchantment around it. You can let him out whenever you want, but when he crosses the enchantment, he will be turned into something else." The girl with no name looked outraged. "How could you Sooty! That is so mean!" Sooty looked at her deadpan. "Not really, just having some fun. Of course, you can go chat to the professor, he will know how to undo the spell. It's up to you to let the cat out, but I'd chat to the Professor first and see if he wants to remove the enchantment as well. It's all the same to me."
With those parting words, Sooty sauntered back down the spiral stone stairs of the turret. Time for some food he thought, I wonder if Cook is down in the kitchen? She always has some yummy treats if I smooch around long enough.
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19 Sep 2021 12:49 AM - edited 19 Sep 2021 12:56 AM
19 Sep 2021 12:49 AM - edited 19 Sep 2021 12:56 AM
Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post
Hello @Flax
Thank you very much for the extra detail on the site and for the thought about my possible interest. I can say that I have not previously seen myself as a writer in any genre. It is only since I have been corresponding with the various members on the forum that I have seen that side of my potential capacity. I only wish that I had recognised and developed those skills during my study years. However, I am not throwing any possibilities away, even now.
There are aspects of the forum with which I also have difficulty. I did ask @Sophia1 to look at some of my comments in that regard, which she was gracious enough to so do. That was possibly on this thread, but I don't recall. The revised and depersonalised version, that I posted, was moved, by the upper echelon, to an area reserved for Community Guides and "above". Consequently, forum members did not have the opportunity to discuss the content of what I had written. In any case, content on the forum probably only has a half-life of a few days. However, I was assured that my comments would be given due consideration. I have heard nothing since.
I have really enjoyed your contributions to the thread, and am disappointed that you have felt that there is conflicting material for you, such as to give rise to your wish to discontinue your connection.
With My Very Best Wishes
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21 Sep 2021 11:16 AM
21 Sep 2021 11:16 AM
Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post
Hello @Appleblossom @Exoplanet @Adge @Shaz51 @Oaktree @HenryX
I will write on the admin thread.
Hoping that anything other than a story contribution can be written on there.
Thank you again for setting that up @Oaktree
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22 Sep 2021 10:44 AM
22 Sep 2021 10:44 AM
Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post
A huge welcome
YOu have landed on the virtual writing thread..
I will copy and share the last two posts of current story..
YOu are more than welcome to add your own thoughts in a new post..
There is no wrong or write..
Have fun is mandatory..
Be silly....yes please...
okay will add copy...this is written by exoplanet
Little Bee didn't venture into the Castle very often, but there was this sparkling
light, the colour of Golden Wattle, that was simply irresistible! They just had to
investigate, carefully taking account of the angles & distances, in case the Hive
might like what it was they found there.
What little bee found there was not a flower, it was not soft, fragile & flowing;
it was hard, shiny & golden. Little Bee was looking at a sparkling gold coin, a
magical glow surrounded it. This was the most curious object Little Bee had
ever seen!
Within the glow there was a whisper of a song, little bee hovered closer and
closer so they might hear the melody better. At the instant that little bee touched
the magic glow, they noticed a green-eyed black cat. They felt a bit of confusion,
definitely anxious and a touch of defensiveness.
ZAP FIZZLE TINGLE POP!!! Little Bee was transformed! Suddenly there were
two black cats facing each other. One was a soft, fluffy, green eyed cat; the other
a sleek shiny blue-eyed cat, an Ojos Azule!
Ojos Azule is a breed of cat
Just after this shocking event, a little girl with no name and her Teacher, a
Professor and the castles much loved cook entered the room. Followed by a
strikingly strong bat carrying a postal parcel. Who knows what went through
their minds, when their eyes took in the scene of two black cats, standing as still
as statues, staring directly at one another?
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22 Sep 2021 10:46 AM
22 Sep 2021 10:46 AM
Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post
this is my response to writing from exoplanet story above
@Exoplanet @Appleblossom @Adge @HenryX @Meggle @Flax @Shaz51
a lovely post...little bee
we now have another perspective resident..
an ojus azule..
who has blue eyes...
The nameless little girl....standing slightly behind the others observed the two cats curiously...
she so wanted them to be very best friends so that they could join her on her late night adventures...
Horrace would not mind at all as he was always able to fly higher..
He had actually taken her for a trip around the castle turrets and outer walls....over the moat...around and around the grassed land then into the dark woodland area...
she felt as free as a bird...oops free as a bat...
She was also aware that her piano lessons had been interrupted....
Her teacher gumnut...was not impressed at all...
As for the ballet lessons....the nameless little girl had managed to avoid them so far....
The teacher of ballet seemed very approachable and had a wicked smile on her face at times....
this smile intrigued the nameless little girl and she so hoped that they could do something else together...secretly..
treasure hunting...
hide and seek..
The two black cats had sped off in different cats do..
The professor had forgotten what he was about to do...
The teacher gumnut had decided to pack up her music sheets and walk around the gardens in the sun...
The little bee watched all from above...circling high in the air looking down unnoticed...
the cook arrived back...had slipped away unnoticed..
carrying platters of inviting food..
who might turn up to eat?...
the nameless girl smelt the hot food and felt very hungry all of a sudden..
She scurried off to the dining room to help herself whilst there was still some left..
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22 Sep 2021 10:51 AM
22 Sep 2021 10:51 AM
Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post
On 18/9 you will find a response from @Adge
offering some black forest cake or checking if any left I think..
So scroll back a bit you will see a picture of a cake and his writing..
YOu can post pictures if prefer or write and or both..
whatever you feel comfortable with..
Enjoy Sophia
Hello @Appleblossom @Exoplanet @Adge @Shaz51 @Oaktree @HenryX
our current members
please welcome two new members @LostAngel @Arizona and offer help as is very confusing at times...we all know this ..🎈😁😎🙃
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