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Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Dear @Flax 

You shouldn't doubt yourself so much. I very much enjoyed Sooty the bilingual cats' adventures along with those of the beautifully dressed Ariadne. I only thought this thread had died due to the fact that noone was posting as of late and then Sophia posted what she did. I would love to continue to be Eeyore if allowed. I have been having a bit of a MH break myself and haven't been as involved in the forums for the past month. I have become quite distracted by real life concerns such as restarting therapy and all that entails. Let's all go back to the secret garden and come up with a new adventure to go on.




Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Hello @Flax 

My response was around thread storyline was changing all of the time which I personally love

I feel that Winnie the Pooh created by Lilaca has fizzled out. 
 I have been hoping for new contributions ideas. 
@Oaktreehas stated how she feels and for her the bubble has burst. Thank you for all of your fun moments. I also realise that you are focusing elsewhere on the forums which is good. You are finding where you want to be


@Flax if you would like to start the next chapter.. wonderful. 
The thread has definitely not closed..

We might even attract new interest. 
I am quite happy to change my character in tune with your new theme. 
Sophia 1

I need a laugh. 
Reducing meds has made me restless. 

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post



Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post


I am totally confused by your messages. I made suggestions around keeping the thread going. No mention of ending the thread. 
You said that you felt the bubble had burst and goodbye??

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Hello @Adge 

lovely to see you still with us. 

Time for some fun...

am waiting to hear ideas from @Flax 

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post


You said you wouldn't be contributing and if you hadn't noticed noone else has been lately either.



Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

I am on the verge of swearing here!!!

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Horace the Post Bat feels like Dropping something Heavy (not just a few Letters) on Someone's Head - In my Local Area (city), not here on the forums.

People have been very manipulative, rude, & just plain Not Nice.

Did 1 & 1/2 hours heavy Gardening Work for a potential Job position - A work Assessment, instead of a Job Interview.

So he got his 1.5 hours free Labour - Then said: "I know I said that you were by far the Most Qualified Applicant, for this Position" - but "You're not fast enough", so "Thankyou & Goodbye"...


Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Something Fun would be Lovely @Sophia1 

Horace the Post Bat wants to Fly over some people's Heads - & Drop something gooey & not nice on them.

See Above Post - Maybe that's not the sort of Fun you had in mind....


Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

That is dreadful.

Not only slave labour sheer dishonesty..

Have you anything in writing about assessment and what they are looking for?

Fair work ombudsman might cover that as is pathway to employment.

worth a phone call. 
You really need a break. 
How is the census assignment?

 I could not put up with ignorance and lack of manners many people have these days.

Can't give you a 💜 oh one appeared not in usual place. So meant to be just for you Adge. Now I will read response from Horace...