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Re: Walking group

Well just meant you could go above and beyond your stated goal @BlueBay that’s All. You’ve done really well. Oh and made me get off butt. Thanks 😀

Re: Walking group

I actually like walking well when not feeling weird about being in public @Zoe7 I was never sporty. Was access denied 🙅‍♂️ to sport re living out of town ok 10ks and father would only stump up for petrol for weekly church/Sunday school trip. Said go for it if you get yourself there haha re prev mention of bike ride. I did it once when baseball comp formed as thought would be level playing field .. ujh so to speak. My sporting highlights were winning 75m sprint grade1 ok would have if hadn’t stopped to look where everyone else was lol plus was called a draw by judge who was other guys father. I wasn’t a natural. Very unco, but naturally strong and fast. Despite never training. Well guess lumping bags of wheat and real food ok and genes helped. Got into lots of fights at school thru bating testing etc I think I learned how to throw a punch age 30 lol but never lost and could do face offs. Sorry for rambling. Guess I have a love hate relationship with sport and sporty people ok mostly not love lol. I prefer to exercise on my own. Ok. When I actually do. @Zoe7

Re: Walking group

I was always the opposite to you - very sporty until I injured my neck one too many times and was told to stop. It was a devastating day for me and I have never really found anything I loved as much as my sport except art. Art doesn't keep me fit though lol @TAB

I did pick up tennis again for a while socially but when I started working as a teacher I found I didn't have the time or energy to put into it. Now I am too unfit for such things but the hydrotherspy and hopefully the walking will help.

Re: Walking group

I used to play tennis competition at night @Zoe7. Our team was always last on the  ladder but we didn’t care we had fun. It was good to get together snd play but then it got too late. As after the games the teams would sit snd drink wine and eat nibbles. It was too hard being during the week. I wouldn’t get home till 11pm. After about 2 yrs we decided to not sign up again. 

Re: Walking group

I so hate participating in sport @Zoe7 well even have gone off spectating ok tv progressively yet incrementally. Anyway. Im a blob atm . Going to lift a few light weights after this post. I am anything but consistent with exercise well with a few exceptions over long long time. I used to ride bike 100ks wk and go to gym 6hrs many many moons ago. Was almost vegetarian too. I found out I could flex pecs in a wave re mirror haha and couldn’t pinch torso . Well that was 30yrs ago just ballooned mostly since then lol

Re: Walking group

I played Sunday mornings and Tuesday nights @BlueBay - we use to have our names drawn out of a hat and that is who we would be partnered with for the day/night. It was fun and we got to play with many different people each of varying degrees of talent - my talent was at the lower end of the scale lol but I loved it. I was never good at serving as I could barely see over the net - I am quite short lol - made me a better net player though!

Re: Walking group

We all seem to change shape a lot over time @TAB lol - I used to be so fit now I can barely move myself around - but I am getting better physically so I am able to do more and that means I can get back into exercise more also. It becomes a vicious circle when you are too unwell to do anything but youo need to do things to get well - that has been my past 2 years. The physical illness I had first before the MI hit was debilitsting and has taken me nearly the whole 2 years to begin to get a handle on. Onwards and upwards from herein I hope.

I have this image of a TAB cat lifting weights - now that is a super cool image to have lol

Re: Walking group

What beautiful fur babies you have @saturnzoon xoxo 

Re: Walking group

Haha not a pretty sight Im sure re me and weights. Just finished 1 set of basic body parts. That beats nothing. Was noticing arms a month ago maybe and that was thru work. Now look flabbiest ever .. hmm 🤔 @Zoe7 anyway onwards etc lol

Re: Walking group

It doesn't take long to love muscle tone @TAB - but ages to gain it back! I need to start back with some weights work - I used to have a home gym set up in my flat but since moving to my house I have never set it up again - maybe once I am back at work and can take in all my school stuff I will have enough room to set it up again.