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Re: Through One's Eyes

Thats good then @Adge, kindred spirits again. Nice to hear someone gets too tired to even write sometimes too, like me, concenteation really. I've been up since 3:30am & had broken sleep so very very tired here tonight with you.
Lets pretend a cyber snuggle in front of an open fore and a good
movie together. Nodd off to sleep if we need too 😳💤

Re: Through One's Eyes

Sounds good @Former-Member A warm fire, how long is it since I've seen one of those...

A cyber snuggle, yes unless I fall asleep first....

Wow 3.30am, with broken sleep. That was me, on Wednesday night.

All too often, unfortunately...

Hi @Zoe7 I might have to refresh my art knowledge.

I like the Impressionists, & Surrealism, but I must confess that I don't really know what Realism is...


Re: Through One's Eyes

Impressionism is my favourite period @Adge - particularly love Monet Smiley Happy

Re: Through One's Eyes

Yes I think Monet is great @Zoe7

I like all the paintings (art) of that era.

I have a small box of Monet cards. Each card has a print of one of his paintings on it.

There's not many left, I've given most of them away...


Re: Through One's Eyes

The impressionists are certainly my favourites @Adge. I have seen quite a few of Monet's work - mostly in France but sat in front of Monet's Waterlillies at The National Gallery in Canberra many. mnay years ago for ages - it is even more beautiful in person.

Re: Through One's Eyes

That sounds great @Zoe7 I've never seen the full-sized paintings.

Far more impressive, I'm sure.

Re: Through One's Eyes

They are @Adge Smiley Very Happy I'm off to dream land - about to face-plant - goodnight @Adge Smiley Happy

Re: Through One's Eyes




Re: Through One's Eyes

That nest is absolutely gorgeous @Faith-and-Hope I love it it Hon Smiley Very HappyHeart

Re: Through One's Eyes

😊 @Zoe7 ....

Class is late to start, but will get underway soon.