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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I love new babies too @Former-Member ... and love giving them back afterwards too 😉

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Here you go @Zoe7. Gee I'm a thoughtful little turtle Smiley Happy


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@NikNik Yep - sucked!!!

Any crackles left - need chocolate to keep me awake a bit longer!

@BlueBay good evening my friend Heart

@Former-Member I'm with NikNik - love giving babies back!!!!


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Nice to meet you @Kateeg84. I hope you can come to Friday Feast again Smiley Happy

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

turtle? @Phoenix_Rising You are way to fast to be a turtle lol 😄
@NikNik oh no... it's better when they're yours to keep lol! Aside from the lack of sleep... and other things lol! i'd have more lol its probably a good thing im single!
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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @BlueBay - oh a boring weekend... how can you make the most of it? something you could do for you? any art exhibitions around or markets?


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oh @Former-Member lack of sleep is my middle name - and not even with any babies in the mix lol

@Phoenix_Rising You will have to get onto @NikNik - waiting too long for these images to come through (and we all now what happens when it gets dark) - I need to sleep soon - come on NIKNIK stop eating those crackles and get the images up - just for me = pleeeeeeeeeease Smiley Tongue

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@NikNik Gnocci in nutella sounds like a very balanced meal. Nutella really is the best invention ever isn't it. I mean, people go on about the wheel and the steam engine being major advances in human history, but really, I think nutella is the greatest invention of the human race.

@Former-Member Oh trust me, I am very definitely a turtle. I have the spent-twelve-years-doing-a-four-year-degree story to prove it Smiley LOL

@Zoe7 Are you asleep yet? Waiting, waiting, waiting... Smiley Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Ahh @NikNik - I'm a bit of a dark horse..... 😆
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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I know @Zoe7 I think lack of sleep is my biggest challenge... I can and do survive on 4 hours a night, (broken) but less than that i start to crumble quickly...
