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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi everyone, I've been offline for awhile, not really coping well. I'm feeling so lonely this time of year.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi everyone, I've been offline for awhile, not really coping well. I'm feeling so lonely this time of yesr.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

You're not the only one😀 Will be facing up to family tomorrow. Alone can be a place of comfort too, will get through it tho. Hope you are okay

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yes, I feel completely at a loss. I'm not really in crisis, where I need lifeline etc. But I just don't feel at ease. I feel like I'm missing out in a way. I haven't any extended family and my husband's family is 1000k's away. We have bought some lovely food etc but I just feel so alone anyway.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Well that's my conundrum sort of. Driving 2000 plus ks and dragging feet doing it, to see family who seem to written me off re contact at least. Will be brave face😀

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Angels333


I am glad to see you - it has been a long time


Yes - Christmas is the time of year for a lot of people to be lonely - it seems society has lost the reason for the season and all the hype makes it really hard for people to get around without crashing into fake Christmas Trees and canned carols - it can awaken our own demons of Christmas Past


Don't be lonely - people here care a lot and make up a Forum Family - sure - we can't bring a small gift and join a snack meal with you on Christmas Day - but we are planning anything from casual convos to deep and meaningful sharing of thoughts on Christmas Day  and everyone is welcome


Please come and join us - and I am sorry you have been feeling so low lately


Lots of virtual Christmas hugs though



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thank you so much for welcoming me back. I had to have a break to try and stop self harm. My psychiatrist keeps increasing my meds so tiredness is my normal. And I was an addict and stopped in 1998 but I had a one day bust, only my psychiatrist kniws and he was so caring.

I will definitely come along for Christmas. I'm sorry to just use you guys as a crutch, but one good thing is I am doing better than last week and I feel like the meds are working.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @Angels333

I will definitely come along for Christmas -- this will be wonderful

tonight we have

Christmas Eve community drinks

and on Sunday, 25 December we have

Christmas hangout so come and join all your friends xx

Hello @Decadian, @TAB, @Queenie, @Bimby2, @Former-Member


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Angels333 .... 🤗💕



When crutches ain't crutches .....


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


Never a problem - jump in and out as you like. The forum isn't a crutch, it's a place where you can be yourself, talk when needed, listen when you want to, and be supported no matter what is happening for you. Welcome back. See you at christmas eve drinks Heart


Picture hasn't come up yet - what have you come up with now - can't wait to see this one LOL