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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Lol Woman Happy

Bloody Hell

I cant remember ... just copied it straight out ... my mind didnt process it ... my oven isnt working at the moment or I'd make it for my new vegan friend.... without lard

He is the guy with the really bad shakes from tardive dyskenesia

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi all, what a cute idea this is. I have to say I've never had pumpkin pie but damn it looks good. mmmmm


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hey @grubbytoes, welcome Smiley Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Heya @grubbytoes, glad you could make it! We have the Friday Feast every week. It's just a chance to hang and catch up, and socilise.

Shall I serve you up a slice of pie?

We also got some tea brewing - a fine selection of herbal, and black tea. Smiley Wink

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I found it online. My cats are burmese - one chocolate & the other lilac.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Appleblossom Our oven is not working at the moment either and don't know when it will be fixed. Don't really use it much anyway so not kicking up too much of a fuss with the agent/landlord. Don't want a rent increase and they've just replaced our hot water system...

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

they sound beautiful @Former-Member. Did I hear you mention that you have a dog too?

My partner and I are moving to the Blue Mountains later this year. We're going to get a dog! I've already started looking in Animal shelters. Not the best idea, as there are several dogs and cats that I'm in love with!

Please feel free to share photos! 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oooh yes please! and I think it would go perfectly with a nice hot cup of earl grey.

Ok you people do realise that I am now going to be thinking about and hunting for bloody pumpkin pie for the rest of the week now! hahahahah.

And thanks for the kind welcome all.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oh ok, whoever took the photo was brilliant to capture such a funny photo.


OMG how cute @Former-Member, i hope they get on together, Smiley Happy, i have never owned a cat, but a few of mums friends have them, they are always so kind to me, they come up and allow me to pat them and one of them even sits beside be and pushes it's paws against my calf when i have been their, they are such brilliant animals, i like how you have to earn their respect. such intellingent creatures.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Mazarita We survived this winter without a roast but I will probably try and replace our oven next winter ... its good for me to have forward plans ... not something I had much beyond ... an educational structure and the to-do list.