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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Pachamanca pictured above - a Peruvian pit-roasted feast.

Apparently Peru is known for a huge range of potato types, but also things as exotic as Cuy - guinea pig!  Eeeewww!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Lol @Former-Member

Hi @Jacques my old friend. How's life?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi everyone ☺👋 thanks for the call out  @Former-Member 


I'll bring this tonight


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Apparently it's cake layered with fruit syrup and decorated in candies 😁


I brought it along because I like the sound of this one a bit more than guinea pig @eth 😆 and because it reminded me of the skittles I've just had for dinner (it's one of those nights). 


Hope everyone is having an OK or better than OK Friday night ☺

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

that looks amazing @CheerBear


I'm gunna add to that and bring a croquembouche Smiley Very Happy



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi everyone.

Thanks for the tag @Former-Member

I'm late, I'm late, I'm late - for a very important date (said the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland).

It's been a real Doozy of a day & afternoon, so that's why....


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I haven't even worked out what I'm cooking for Dinner yet.

I'm so tired, I just want it to magically cook itself...

I would like to teach Jelly cat to cook, but I don't think she wants to do it - she just wants to eat...


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

hey everyone
how are we?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Ironically, work was a cooking activity with 10 clients today.

We do most of the preparation & cooking for them - though it's their activity (they're supposed to be cooking).

Then, I don't get to eat any of it...
