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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@CherryBomb Because of how much I sometimes struggle, my activity plan is quite detailed in hourly blocks. It's also an evolving thing. I add things to it as I think I might be able to handle them in a roughly sustainable way. It starts with waking around 8am (still have some trouble there but getting better), get dressed, make bed etc. I tell myself when to have breakfast and take medications because I used to be a bit all over the place with that and it caused me trouble. It includes other things like exercise bike, stretching routine and daily walk. Also domestic cleaning. I put aside time to make and keep appointments (mostly with mental health practitioners at the moment). And also give myself time for computer. Other things. Mostly just a way to get myself through an ordinary day with room to move for other things that might arise.

@Jacques Great to see you. Yes, the pav is from New Zealand, I believe. But it's got childhood memories for me - my mum used to make home made ones.

@Appleblossom That's pretty much what I do too. I'm fairly easy going about it but just hoping to keep moving forward with it bit by bit.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

i am fantastic today, i don't know why but i have had so much energy and just generally felt content, i have not felt this way in months.


Oh ok, i just need to be more mindful of the guidlines.


Well today i plastered the walls in the loungeroom, ready for painting and then i installed a reading light for when i can't sleep, then i bought a self-contained water feature for the loungroom so i can listen to soothing water while i read or am on the computer.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Jacques I'm so happy you are feeling great to day. Smiley Very Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Jacques I'm so happy to hear you're doing fantastic. Puts a smile on my face that from ear to ear. Smiley Very Happy Sounds like a super productive day.

@Mazarita I hope you have time for rewarding yourself for getting all your tasks done. It's quite an accomplishment to get through all of it, I think.

@CannonSalt I really enjoyed Please Like Me, but only stumbled upon it last week. Didn't realise that there's a previous season. It's a pretty edgey show in terms of themes they're addressing. Pretty funny too! What do you enjoy about it?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I eat anything ... especially virtually ... I learned to make pumpkin pie in my early 20s ... he was a really good cook and had finessed the recipe ... I can look in my handwritten cookbook collection of recipes if you want ... he taught me to make brownies too.  I met his mum when I was about 10 and she chatted to my nanna about the terrible state of affairs in the US ... and the coming of the malls ...

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Appleblossom I love virtual eating too!!

and yes, a recipe would be fantastic! The issue that I have is that I can't find pureed pumpkin, and when I tried to do it myself it turned to look like baby food. Smiley Frustrated

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Glad you are feeling "fantastic" @Jacques 🙂

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thank you @Mazarita & @CherryBomb, yes i take the good days when i can, their is not many of them so i treat them as extra special, try to fit in as much as possible.


@Appleblossom, i haven ever tried pumpkin pie, sounds weird, i have seen it a lot in american movies, i had a Muslim friend when i was at tafe in 2002, he used to love being Muslim in Australia, because he would have their rammidan feast/celebration in november then he would go to a christian friends house for christmas in December and have a second feast, he thought it was awesome......

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Never had pumpkin pie before

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

A feeling of contentment is so wonderful, @Jacques. I'm finding more days like that too. Many more to you. Cat Happy