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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Mazarita, nice to see you too, oh yes, i am in heaven cheese platter and anti pasto, yum, had an interesting day today, seen an acident right in front of me and nearly saw one on the way home, people are in such a hurry these days, they seem really silly on the roads today. no one was hurt in the accident but a fair bit of damage to a building and the trailer.


hugs @Former-Member, i know you have been struggling, you are often in my thoughts, sending you positive vibes.


gosh it is nice to be here with all my friends, i have missed you all so much

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Jacques, how nerve wracking to be a witness to an accident and then a near miss. I have a fear of the roads for the same reason you describe, just too fast and crazy for me these days. Smiley Frustrated

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Wowee! Thanks for the perfect addition to the cheese @Jacques - it looks delicious! 

@Mazarita nice to see you! I'll have a slice off that gorgeous dessert. 

@Former-Member sounds like you were quite the cheese lover. When I broke my veganism, cheese was the first thing I ate (I got really unwell too!)  It's really the only dairy I eat these days. Do you get craving for cheese, and if you do, how do you manage i? Also love olivers and artichokes! 

@Jacques it can be really rattling to see an accident. It's like experiencing shock. I read somewhere that you froze - that's really normal. Often under stressful circumstances like seeing an accident, we can either go into freeze, flight, or fright automatically. How you feeling about it now?

How's everyone's week been? What's everyone been up to?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Winter is really here. It snowed here in the Blue Mountains! This is a pic of my backyard last Friday. It might snow again tonight! Perfect for a cosy night inside, feasting with friends. 




Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi all,

I have had a long day. things are so hard lately, though just trying to push through it all. 

wow snow would be lovely


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yes @Mazarita, i agree, it is too much for me these days, i feel uncomfortable driving because of my anxiety but have to because mum will not drive in busy areas.


Hi @CherryBomb, yes that is right, i had the chance to warn the lady she was going to hit the building, but i froze, i am feeling really guilty but their where several signs up saying her trailer would not fit and she ignored them, i am still shaking from it.


i really  worry about freezing when some even happens i am not prepared for, i worry if i freeze when something happens in front of me i will freeze and not brake, the second near accident, was on a bend, the car comming the other way had to go on the grass to avoid the accident, why do people put others lives at risk like that, it was so silly. as soon as he started to over take i slowed right down, i was so scared with him/her over taking on a corner

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Jacques and @Mazarita I can't see your picures yet but those dishes sound yummy.

@CherryBomb the cheese platter looks amazing.  

Just as well they're all virtual - I can indulge some more.  IRL I'm so full from dinner.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

My week has been pretty much about sleep really, as in too much of it, not a lot else really. Mood feels fairly even but I am just exhausted. Speaking to psychiatrist about it tomorrow.

That's a lovely pic, @CherryBomb. Wow, snow, that would make winter really worthwhile. How are you feeling about your move these days now that you've been there for a while? 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hugs @Former-Member

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hey @Former-Member, just saw you. Are you looking forward to the holiday time?