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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member The kittens sound so cute. Glad you can take pleasure in them. 🙂 My sleeping hours tend to the weird too and I sometimes nap during the day as well. Hope you get a better sleep tonight and wake up feeling rested.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

So nice of you to join us @Former-Member. You too, keep fighting.

If you find yourself up late at night, there a night shift discussion thread for people who can't sleep.



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

It's only a bit after 9 here Queensland time. I'll be around in this discussion for a while if anyone like @eth and @PeppiPatty feel like joining again this week...

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Heya @Mazarita,

I'm off now, just wanted to say goodnight. I'm not sure who's still floating about. 

Did @Jacques say goodnight yet? Is @Former-Member still here?

Hope you have a nice weekend.


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hey @CherryBomb. I think most people have gone offline now. Goodnight and a wonderful weekend to you too. Cat Very Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

sorry guys i got sidetracked, good night all, thank you all for the fantastic night again, sometimes friday does not come around quickly enough for me, it is so nice to spend time with friends. thank you all.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi All!
Friday Funday!
How has everyone's week been?? I'm just getting takeaway (chinese) on my home from physio.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi everyone.  Have been really looking forward to this all afternoon.

I'm bringing cold roast chicken with salads - potato salad, coleslaw, tabouleh and sliced tomato.  

I've had a pretty good week thanks @Crazy_Bug_Lady, how was yours?


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @eth and @Crazy_Bug_Lady

Yum yum yum !!! If Arlo doesn't stop barking at anyone who resembles a postman........ My and hubby might put him in chicken stir fry tonight .........
Oh he's stopped
@eth can I join ?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Helllloooo everyone!

Here is my Halloween themed contribution for tonight.



@Jacques - I saw a killer cheese plate you uploaded before.. are you going to share that with us too Smiley LOL