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Re: The Community Garden :)

I have pots ready to plant for summer but can't get any veggies/plants yet because of lockdown @Shaz51 

I want to plant - basil, tomatoes, baby cucumbers (we had lots last year).  I currently have broadbeans growing in a big pot.  Lots of flowers so i am assuming they will come out soon!!


Re: The Community Garden :)

@BlueBay  Good luck with your broadbeans 😃 I have some going, only a few, I planted them in Autumn because I was gambling on winter not being too cold. And they are producing now yay 👍 but arrrrrgh to aphids! 😂

Re: The Community Garden :)


A pelagonia flower from this morning 🙂 have a good day y'all 🙂

Re: The Community Garden :)

Seen on a recent walk in a national park...



Re: The Community Garden :)

@CheerBear @BlueBay @Mazarita @ArtistZ @Shaz51 @Adge @frog 


hello all green thumbs... would love to see what's in your garden, or what you want to have, your house plants, veggie patch or cuttings, or just what you want to have, your plant wishlists 


C463A733-5CE8-40E9-82AC-D57CF099E74C.jpegMy Wishlist is a fern tree (not that I live in the right place right now) but always reminds me of my childhood and the small creek lines we had in the neighbourhood 

Re: The Community Garden :)

Lovely @LookingHopeful , love the pictures 

How is your garden 

I have ixora, petunias 

Love your pictures @Mazarita , @ArtistZ 

Will add some more photos after 

Re: The Community Garden :)

Lovely Plants & Lovely Pictures @LookingHopeful Yes I love Tree ferns too.

None are native to the West Coast, as far as I know - Too hot & dry mostly.

They're mostly Rainforest Plants.

Pure grey Sand here, hot with no rain in Summer - All our rainfall is over the Winter months.

So I'm having a hard battle to keep the plants I still have alive (at the moment).

About 43C here Saturday (Christmas day), Sunday & Monday.

40C today.

I have Grevilleas, Wattles (Acacias), one Banksia, small Gum trees, Hibiscus, a Non-scented Jasmine Creeper (yellow flowers), a Rosemary Bush, 2 Jade Plants, groundcover Lantana montevidensis (purple flowers), an Olive Tree, a Carob Tree, one surviving Rose (Noisette - Lamarque) - Amongst other things....


Re: The Community Garden :)

Oh @LookingHopeful is that your living room?! It's very dreamy!! I got a hammock chair like in the photo for Christmas, hung it yesterday and currently sitting in it. It's on our front veranda amongst many plants. Also have a hanging chair out the back where I have most of my plants.


I've spent a bit of time the last couple of days in the garden. Trimming of dead leaves, watering, cleaning up. 

Re: The Community Garden :)

Lovely @Shaz51 I bet the ixora (I had to google to remember what they are) and petunias add a nice pop of colour !


@Adge yes, I am very much used to a sub-tropical climate and really miss going for a simple walk through the rainforest. 

Oh dear, that does sound hard battling 40 degree days with the plants. It's been overcast here and its been a really nice change to the blistering heat. Sounds like a lovely collection of natives. Interesting about the carob tree, can you use it for anything?

I recently got a small leaf pothos cutting that is starting to root in water, so I am paintently waiting for it to grow more roots and look something like the photo into the future. 🙂


Re: The Community Garden :)

Hi @Bow 

haha, no not my photo, just inspiration for the thread, and a bit of wishful thinking. I would love a light filled room filled with houseplants. 


Oh, a hammock chair sounds so relaxing and what a great gift. That is exactly how I would want to spend some time, in a chair surrounded by plants. 

Good job on the garden work, it all adds up and helps create a lovely space. I cannot wait to have my own garden space one day and really looking forward to having a small compost area so I can put my scraps in there instead of the bin.