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Re: The Beer Garden

no no.. ok scratch that @TAB   .. yesssss I get it..... I get it....  was missing the old order link....  LOL  thank you!  faculties cleared!  sorry.. missed the major element  (pun there)  šŸ™‚

Re: The Beer Garden

That's their thing not my business anyways @spookytookims .. walking slowly out of room backwards now.. lol

Re: The Beer Garden

..its a compound??...šŸ˜¬šŸ˜ølol
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Re: The Beer Garden


šŸ•³ ( šŸ”® + šŸ’ˆ ) / (šŸšæ - :bomb:) +:pushpin:āˆž - šŸ”Ž = D

or maybe



Re: The Beer Garden

So pins to infinity? crystal balls barbers poles black hole? No idea
Not applicable

Re: The Beer Garden

Exactly! You're a genius!  @TAB

Not applicable

Re: The Beer Garden

and why do I say this @TAB?  Because D.....  to use the ABC's words for convenience:

" All the deuterium that ever existed was believed to have been forged within a few minutes of the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago.

Deuterium is a heavy version of regular hydrogen, the lightest and most abundant element. But its nucleus harbours a neutron in addition to the normal proton, so it is twice hydrogen's mass.

Because stars consume deuterium and there is no known process to create more, the isotope serves as a tracer for star formation and galaxy creation throughout time."

Hence  the

        šŸ»   šŸ»   šŸ»

Re: The Beer Garden

Is that a non sequitur on a non sequitur ..not sure ok šŸ‘ŒšŸ» whatever works @Former-Member I usually leave brain turning off for in front of tv perhaps the trace could also be picked up later like deuterium Oh My Stars āœØ lol

Re: The Beer Garden

Hahaha... cheers @Former-Member šŸ™‚

And cheers @TAB - dihydrogen monoxide is so what I drink most of šŸ™‚

But geez it buggers up the bottoms of boats... giggle...

Re: The Beer Garden

@Dothemo  I didn't ignore you on the other thread.. it's just that with world issues I think it's a matter of perspective.  The world is facing a catastrophe at this time, but I what I see and what others see is likely entirely different so I try to avoid discussion of it in forums such as this.  Just wanted to let you know.