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Re: The Beer Garden... my garden

Ha hilarious @Former-Member wish wasn't working tomorrow have catching up to do sounds

Re: The Beer Garden... my garden

Ahs here last lol @Faith-and-Hope

Re: The Beer Garden... my garden

Bit hard to celebrate too much when you have work tomorrow @TAB Maybe tomorrow night instead. šŸŽˆšŸ˜ø

Re: The Beer Garden... my garden

Yeah might be an idea @Former-Member am flat as a tack here, felt off all day

Re: The Beer Garden... my garden

Ahoy everyone I forget how to tag but ahoyhoys to faith and hope, Shaz, Adge, TAB, Pippi and sorry if I missed anyone else I don't thing I ever got used to this forum and my absence has not helped 


happy birthday firstly 


and great to hear from everyone 

faith and hope I'm very happy to hear your still in the arts that's fantastic I love art of many varieties I'm a drawer myself haha bad name for it but I rarely sketch I only really draw so draw er hahaha 


good times


sending the happy jujus across the waves to everyone 

Re: The Beer Garden... my garden

Love that you're a draw-er too @GonePirate (hit the @ symbol for tags matey)

Re: The Beer Garden... my garden

@GonePirate šŸ™‚

Sooo good to see you! As soon as I started to read inmy email alert (hadn't noticed name) I was sure it was you or Si.

I miss you both so much, loads of hugs, so good to hear of what you're doing. Those you work with are indeed unbelievably blessed.

Loads more hugs, you are special šŸ™‚ You are a good egg šŸ™‚

Re: The Beer Garden... my garden

Mmmmmm yum egg salad sammiches

Re: The Beer Garden... my garden

Been missing you and many of you other beautiful souls out there sailing the seas of the inter webs

Re: The Beer Garden... my garden

Ahoy there @GonePirate Nice to meet you how's your day going?