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Re: Share a cuppa?

Yeah but some personal space every now and then would be ok @tyme
If I can’t get it from the human members of this house hold can I at least get it from the dog
sometimes I think I i have 0.25 seconds of peace and then she comes up and is sitting right behind me with her head almost on my shoulder hahaha it’s like kids, they are always noisy until they are right behind you, why do they always do that. 🤣

Re: Share a cuppa?

Also I hope the tea helps your sickness too @tyme

Re: Share a cuppa?

Thanks @tyme!

Re: Share a cuppa?

I'd rather have a dog any day @ArraDreaming . They tell you they are around. Also, that means you got the Nicki when she was really only a baby.


Are you a cat or dog person @mr-robot-75 ?

Re: Share a cuppa?

Yeah she’s super young @tyme she’s a good girl
she’s quite vocal too she was telling us off today and I didn’t know why, we realised the open can of dog food was still on the bench 😬 it’s like my kid and cheerios all over again

Re: Share a cuppa?

Dogs are amazing creatures @ArraDreaming .


I don't have the time for another dog. I've had dogs in the past. I couldn't do it justice if I know I won't be able to spend much time with it.

Re: Share a cuppa?

i had dogs in the past as well, and honestly I probably wouldnt have picked to get one again and definitely not such an active breed with young kids but I’m glad it worked out this way she has fit in to our family so well @tyme
what kind of dogs did you have

Re: Share a cuppa?

Border Collie and Labrador @ArraDreaming 

Re: Share a cuppa?

@tyme how good are labs hey? What colour?
I had a black one called Friday
He got hit by a car

Re: Share a cuppa?

Pretty awesome dogs @ArraDreaming by nature.


However, mine wasn't the most intelligent. I also struggled with the fact that she shed hair everywhere.


She ended up with cancer, so was put down. But defo had a beautiful nature and so easy to train because they love food.