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Re: Secret Party Planning...

Yes she is efficient @Former-Member - and yes finding flotation devices is definitelly your forte. I am sorted with Genevieve Giraffe - maybe you should ask @Former-Member is she wants the same or something different lol now she is back Smiley Happy

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Re: Secret Party Planning...

I'm glad your sorted with Genevieve the Giraffe Smiley Very Happy I will ask her and see what sort of floatation device she this space Smiley LOL

Re: Secret Party Planning...

hahaha @Former-Member ... the anticipation is killing me lol

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Re: Secret Party Planning...

Ok @Zoe7, I've left you waiting long enough...(the anticipation would have eaten me alive by now Smiley LOL) without further is @Former-Member's fabulous floaty Smiley Very Happy...

Image result for dolphin floatie

Re: Secret Party Planning...

That is adorable @Former-Member - must say though am a little disappointed she didn't want to be Giraffe Twinsies lol Smiley LOL - I'lll definitely stick with Genevieve Giraffe - seems much more stable for this little flutterby!

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Re: Secret Party Planning...

I agree @Zoe7...I cant even begin to tell you how many times I would fall off that thing! Smiley LOL

Re: Secret Party Planning...

It seems bigger than I am so I couldn't be able to even climb on @Former-Member Smiley LOL @Former-Member can deal with that one on her own - would love to see her try!!!!!!

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Re: Secret Party Planning...

Omg giraffe genevieve, that is excellent! Smiley LOL @Zoe7

I felt like we needed some diversity in the floaty range as there were sooo many cool options so I went with the cute pink dolphin that you can all laugh at me trying to get on top of haha - challenge accepted Smiley Tongue

Re: Secret Party Planning...

I thought you may like that @Former-Member LOL - seemed approporiate at the time as you were away and I ACTUALLY went into the ocean for a short time (I know - a huge shock) as little turtle was not doing so well and there were not many people around - so she kinda had me there and you in a round-about-way - knowing she would get it also. I can't believe I 'survived' that experience - I can barely walk atm let alone swim lol I am really intrigued how a 'Moon' will be able to sit on that dolphin LOL - now that is something I want to see hahahhaha

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Re: Secret Party Planning...

OMG hahhahaha I really did not think that one through at all Smiley LOL I think I will just wrap myself around it and hope for the best ! @Zoe7

P.s. I am so proud of you for jumping into that water for little turtle, that must have been scary but somehow you manaed to get your wings wet and survived ❤️ (I was watching over you all from afar and knew you could get through it too btw 🙂 )