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Re: Secret Party Planning...

ohh yessss @Zoe7

@CheerBear's christmas in July xx

Not applicable

Re: Secret Party Planning...

Yes kdoll hasnt been on for a while and Shel is a mod but they dont work in our office, so knowing when they will be on to celebrate may be difficult @Shaz51

Yes I agree @Zoe7, that is INCREDIBLE progress Smiley Very Happy

Haha yes @Zoe7 closed for the holidays hasnt quite happened...but I got you a nice shiny new mic to help with your return to work...

Image result for diamond microphone


Re: Secret Party Planning...

I'm all blinged up @Former-Member - if you knew how much that WASN'T me you would be laughing like I am now but I do love it and it is very special because it is from you... OMG I am starting to say nice things to you .... is @Former-Member  being replaced mmmmm - nah - let's call it equal 'like' for now ( she would still be my favourite if she had chosen the giraffe LOL)

Re: Secret Party Planning...

Soo that`s it , 2 parties for july @CheerBear, @Zoe7, @Former-Member, @Former-Member xx

 is @Lunar  being replaced mmmmm - nah

Re: Secret Party Planning...

NAH you are right @Shaz51 - @Former-Member and I have a 'connection' through Elsie and Cat - I better see what they have been up to lately - Cat did come home for a while to 'look after me' while Elsie spent some time at a spa retreat... stay tuned...

...but @Former-Member is definitely 'on my list' and that is not an easy thing to do...Smiley Very Happy

Re: Secret Party Planning...

How did you enjoy your five minute holiday @Zoe7 😛 ?

I'm not exactly sad that there are more parties on the horizon. I love the idea of a picnic party (i think i wrote that earlier today but I'm not sure whether I just replied in my head)

If we got overloaded with parties one month we could try doing one party day to celebrate everyone who had a birthday that month? I'm sure you could whip up a multi-person themed cake/s after all that practice Zoe 😉

Ps- I hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring-ting tingling toooooooooo 😄 (I'm serrrriously excited about this)

Re: Secret Party Planning...

One thing I did not need was Xmas jingles stuck in my head at this time of year 😛 I need to stop reading this thread now haha

Re: Secret Party Planning...

Seriously @CheerBear - I thought the 'Closed for Holidays' sign was big enough - apparently NOT lol

We need a pay rise - oh wait - we don't get paid Smiley LOL

You did write that you love the idea of a picninc party - or I am hearing (seeing) things that aren't there also - oh dear - this SPP is doing strange things to our brains - as if they weren't messed up enough already (well mine anyway!!)

When would you like your super special christmas party?

Re: Secret Party Planning...

@CheerBear I have an idea - you can say no of course - but I was thinking (don't die of shock!!!!) can we do a Looney Tunes Christmas?

Re: Secret Party Planning...

Sorry @Zoe7, I fell over in shock at the idea of a Looney Tunes Christmas and have just recovered 😉

I am very interested in this idea and am absolutely certain that it can be pulled off, though you'll have to fill me in on exactly what a LT Christmas in July party might look like!

One really super important question though. Will there be condiments?

Yay 🙂

Also I laughed a lot (once the shock wore off) at the post before your last post. SPP definitely does some funny things to my brain!