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Re: Let's relive the 1980's

my parents were each patient in their own way, mines an impulse control thing think ..instant gratification, also a learning method lol @Scarecrowe  

Re: Let's relive the 1980's

well he is 95 its just a matter of time @Scarecrowe   and thanks. oh a couple days

Re: Let's relive the 1980's

Lol @TAB 

Totally agree with that, absolutely a learning method 

Re: Let's relive the 1980's

Wow 95, impressive age @TAB 


Re: Let's relive the 1980's

Nah ... Dunno either @Scarecrowe 

Smiley Tongue

Never did magazfanzines or trivia.

Hi @eth @TAB 

DId you see movie Death In Brunswick It came out in 1990 but is set in the 1980s in a place I knew well.

Smiley Happy

Re: Let's relive the 1980's

Re: Let's relive the 1980's

Not seen it ... @TAB 

Re: Let's relive the 1980's

Hi @Appleblossom  yes I've seen Death in Brunswick - seem to remember Sam Neill was in it ... ?

@TAB  I've seen He Died with a Felafel in His Hand too - was it Noah Taylor?  Tried to watch it a few times and fell asleep every time!

Re: Let's relive the 1980's

I did see Death in Brunswick @Appleblossom    funny movie, I am a huge Sam Neill fan....

Pretty cool you know the area it was filmed........


Well the only reason why I know the answer is because one day at school me being the massive Queen fan and a friend being a massive Duran Duran fan, we were talking about our bands and we found this out...........otherwise I would be none the wiser too lol.


It came up one episode on Spicks and Specks and I was yelling the answer at the the are going to hear me for goodness sake lol.

Re: Let's relive the 1980's

Ha ha @Scarecrowe 

Smiley Very Happy


@eth I think I would fall asleep too ...ha ha ...

prob why I never even started watching that movie.  Too blokey even for me.  SOrry @TAB I have my limits.

Smiley Happy