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Re: Let's make Christmas fun


but wait 'till the cat comes in 😸lol

Re: Let's make Christmas fun

Hey everybody!!!!!!!

This just came from Santa. It's @Adge's big book! Santa seems to have struggled a little bit with how to pronounce Adge's name, but I think it's close enough. Ooooh I wonder if Adge made it onto Santa's good list this year... Smiley Happy

Re: Let's make Christmas fun

@Phoenix_Rising yes @Hope4me is a very naughty honey bee indeed 😄

Re: Let's make Christmas fun

Merry 2nd day to Xmas everyone!


Thanks @Phoenix_Rising; I now know how to pronounce @Adge's name. 🙂 And what beautiful pic's on here!! Xmas is going to be wonderful! Um...but what about an Aussie Xmas? We don't have snow.

Beach snowman.pngHills hoist Xmas.pngKoala pressies.jpg

As for the naughty or nice list? I'm a mid 50's gal with a 20 year old Xmas wish list. Is that so wrong???? Hmm..?

I mean, I'm old enough to want such things yes? What about @utopia and @Former-Member and @greenpea? We can't all be on the naughty list.

Anyway, here's some Aussie ornaments for our Xmas tree..

Thongs tree deco's.jpgHope xo Heart

Re: Let's make Christmas fun

@Hope4me @Phoenix_Rising. I didn't know I was on the naughty list! !!!!!!!!!
I'm like Mary Poppins - practically perfect in every way.

Re: Let's make Christmas fun

nice one @Former-Member
i saw the new fim last night at the midnight session.. really enjoyable. It was kinda different

Re: Let's make Christmas fun

@Phoenix_Rising You are a STAR!!!!!! Phoenix_Rising! 

Re: Let's make Christmas fun

@Hope4me thanks for letting me know your age. I will pass this information onto Santa. What about you @greenpea? By the way, what is your age and what would you like for Christmas, greenpea? I can't promise that Santa will be able to get back to me today. It's quite a task for him to find your big book out of all the big books he has, so he may not get to it until tomorrow. He's a busy guy around this time of year you know! 

If anyone else wants to ask Santa whether they have been naughty or nice this year, he needs to know your age and what you would like for Christmas. You also need to have a name he can pronounce. Sadly, quite a few Forumites Forum Land names are a bit too hard for him to get his North Polian accent around. 

Now...onto more important matters... I had to go out for a few hours and I had fully expected all the decorations to be finished by the time I got back. But nooooooooo, once again, @greenpea @NikNik, @Former-Member and @CheerBear have been fooling around so much that nothing has got done. Thankfully, @Queenie @Former-Member @Former-Member and @Former-Member have stepped up to the task! Smiley Very Happy


Re: Let's make Christmas fun

@Phoenix_Rising I am 53 and I want a pressie please Santa!! @outlander and @Former-Member know what greenpea is talking about ... good thing the mods dont muahahahahahahahaha!!!  I have been a very good green pea all year Santie!

Re: Let's make Christmas fun

@Phoenix_Rising Queenie is hilarious!!!:D