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Re: Let's make Christmas fun

@Zoe7 I actually wasn't sure, so I just googled it and you are so spot on!! The 'reliable' world of google said:

However, he is obviously a mixture of several animals: tanukis (the Japanese version of raccoons), cats (the pointed ears and the facial expressions), and owls (the chevron markings on their chests and the "ooo"-ing sound they make with their ocarinas at night).

Nice one!

Re: Let's make Christmas fun

@Former-Member full disclosure - I cheated too lol - couldn't work out exactly what it was to include in the 12 days to christmas so I googled it too - I settled on the cat purring Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Let's make Christmas fun



Don't know what ya talking about but gonna dance anyway LOL

Re: Let's make Christmas fun

@Phoenix_Risinglove the links your sharing atm! good way to brighten the day thats for sure

@Zoe7love your 12 days of Christmas- very clever little butterfly arent you


loving the chatter and pics everyone is contributing! i wont tag as this thread is growing and dont want to miss anyone!

Re: Let's make Christmas fun

Morning all. Today begins The Twelve Days To Christmas! The thread can be found here .

@greenpea I know this will super excite you as you can go as BIG as you like lol

@Phoenix_Rising I will post each day's verse at the beginning of each day and at the end of the 12 days copy all the 'presents' over on Christmas Eve - ready for a Christmas Day party. I have already asked Santa if I can 'borrow' some of his elves that night to help with moving the presents into foumland central (aka this thread). He (and the elves) were all very excited when asked and are more than happy to help!


Re: Let's make Christmas fun

Good morning everyone, 

@Zoe7 Yay for the 12 days of Christmas!!!!! I saw the picture of @greenpea's car. You do know there is no way in hell I am squishing in there with a bunch of Forumites, right? I'm happy to ride on the roof. Smiley Very Happy

So...yesterday I enlisted the help of @Former-Member @CheerBear @NikNik and @Former-Member to help me set up the outdoor decorations. Well, I have never seen four individuals fool around so much. We are nowhere near finished yet! Consequently, I've now enlisted @greenpea @Former-Member @Former-Member and @Queenie to help me. Surely they will take this project a bit more seriously! Smiley Happy


@Adge @Former-Member @CheerBear @Former-Member @frog @greenpea @MDT @Former-Member @Former-Member @Maggie @Mazarita @Former-Member @MoonGal @Mountbeauty @Former-Member @outlander @Former-Member @Former-Member @TheVorticon @utopia @Zoe7 





Re: Let's make Christmas fun

Day 13 - Turtles © Ange Amon / Lissenung Island Resort / WWF-Aus

Re: Let's make Christmas fun

Yesterday on a walk around Google I found some Christmas ornaments that I thought might be cool to add to a forum tree. Then one magically appeared thanks to @Former-Member on the 12 Days of Christmas thread! So excited to see that happen!

I found this one and thought of @Former-Member 


And this one and thought of @frog


And this one thinking of @greenpea


Do you think we can we add them?

I love this idea Sherry and look forward to seeing this tree you planted hopefully grow with forum decorations!



Re: Let's make Christmas fun

@Phoenix_Rising I laughed SO much at that video. Seeing Queenie appear there has made my morning 😂

Re: Let's make Christmas fun

No need to be concerned @Phoenix_Rising I put you on the car second after  @greenpea. I put Greenpea behind the wheel as the driver but I am a bit concerned she will go too fast as that is the only speed she seems to have lol - mmmmmm might need to rethink that one Smiley LOL

Little Turtle - you are alread on the outside of the car - alllllllll on your own - but with the moderators close by watching over you (all of them......) - see...always thinking 'turtle' here @Phoenix_Rising Smiley Very Happy