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Re: Good Morning!

@TAB  😆 I’m more comfortable in Central Train Station Sydney at 5pm than anywhere else.

Perth still has a small population by comparison.


Re: Good Morning!

yeah, dift versions of me have tackled perth peak hour traffic over the years and yeah, could do without that @Glisten  also been to lots job interviews in West Perth so hate trying to park there., gave up and started taking training and walking from station , got bus a few times

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

I think you mentioned something to TAB about watching Star Trek @Glisten 

Re: Good Morning!

@Former-Member that’s right @TAB was on the bridge of the Enterprise.


Re: Good Morning!

Hello @PeppyPatti 🙂
How are you going back home in your cosy safe spot?

Re: Good Morning!

Dear @PizzaMondo 


Yes I'm home.


I feel my younger brother has a good life ...he is walking his own narrative with his wife. They both asked no questions to me and Mr Rocker and their friends are exactly like them. They all talk and talk about their properties.....


( what they are purchasing for their "deadbeat," parents.....)


 Feel sad because his wife of 20 years holds jealousy.  But she might just be a victim. 


Brick walls. 

I stayed as open hearted as possible and actually brought some papers with me by Thomas Lewis ( ' A general Theory of love"  - ) and ' the body keeps the score ' 

Which she saw. However ..........

Their properties, their life is good. 


And holds stuff that happened 20 years ago. 

But will not address stuff they did .....but who cares. 


My dream of being close to my brother's is crumbling. 



I am free. I make mistakes daily. But after trauma life has completely changed. 

Re: Good Morning!

Therapy makes a big difference, doesn’t it @PeppyPatti @PizzaMondo 

I can’t judge people, I haven’t lived their life. But if what they are doing makes them happy, and it doesn’t hurt me, then it makes me happy.


Re: Good Morning!

Dear @Glisten 


I don't know what your vulnerabilities are not care but mine is having a head injury. 


Ive seen my therapist for 20 years. If I didn't have her, ide probably be a screaming banksia bush or dead. My sons would have been. 


Before I saw her I spent 10 years seeing two useless psychotherapists who actually broke down my defences. I am mindful of this. 


Your positive brazen personality keeps me wanting to hear from you. 

Meet my friend, spider. 


Re: Good Morning!





... How much was the mobile hairdresser ? 

I spent $300; on my hair 2 weeks ago and it will cost $75 next month.....


I know but I just want to look beautiful in my eyes. 


 and my birdies, Ziggy and Roki....


Re: Good Morning!

@PeppyPatti  I had long blonde hair. I took to it with a pair of kitchen scissors ✂️ Best thing I ever did. Short back and sides. Pixie cut. Never felt more confident.