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Re: Good Morning!

funny , was only thinking recently lots wear and tear on car re appts and course, then it broke. but on balance of probability I knew about this fault 4 years ago and forgot about it/covered it up w super duper battery lol @Former-Member  oh well. bed again soon here

Re: Good Morning!

I find staying asleep very hard
I woke at 2.30 am
And I'm still awake
Did a 25min online Beyond Blue counsellor chat which goes way too fast and not long enough really.
It's 4 am and the alarm will go off at 6.30 and I bet I will be still awake at that time

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @GuiltyinLife  hope you can get some sleep and whatever you set the alarm for goes okay. Going back to bed here . nite

Re: Good Morning!


Re: Good Morning!

Come back later if you like @GuiltyinLife 



Re: Good Morning!

Good morning and thank you @Emelia8 you are a lovely considerate person. Indeed I would have missed Huckleberry’s @tonys  if you had not tagged me.

I’ll got to go back and find it LOL

I hope your day brings nothing but joy, happiness and security.


Re: Good Morning!

@saturnzoon it’s understandable you getting frustrated with your posts disappearing.

I’m using an iPhone or iPad, no wifi connection. Sometimes it’s easier to draft a post in Notes.

I hope the SANE Forum IT gurus can create a better platform.


Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

Hey @Glisten how are you going? Things are going really well here I hope you are doing ok in your neck of the woods. Its very drizzly in Melbourne the weather is pleasant today considering we had a heatwave since the weekend. Well, I have been getting into chromatherapy and drinking blue solar water again. Don't know why I stopped doing it as it imparts a lowered stress response and deep calm apart from emotional healing benefits according to Hawaiian shamanism.  Did you ever get into ho'oponopono at any stage? It seems as if you are into everything like I am.  I read a book on it years back and stopped doing the practice of ho'oponopono and drinking blue solar water. I mentioned on another thread that its so regulating that it works better than jiaogulan tea which is an adaptogenic herb I drink that is meant to create homeostasis in the body and stop stress

Re: Good Morning!

@tonys  Huckleberry you’re not going to believe this but you comment about the Forstner bit relieving pressure headaches; LOL archaeologists have found Roman surgery tools used to relieve pressure on the brain 🧠 

Like a plunge circular cutter.

Grave excavations and examination of skeletal remains, skulls specifically showed healed skull wounds in a perfect circle ️ 

That shape only comes from surgery.

Crazy to think that Romans were more advanced surgical, than the rest of Europe was in 1900s.


Huck, I wish us both a Lotto win.

Talk to you soon compadre.



Re: Good Morning!

thankyou  @Emelia8 ..     The cracks are showing.  getting old,   and if the book keeper is absent in the editors office,  which is more often than not,  then my  letters can look pretty bloody rough sometimes.

Dropped sponge cakes I like to call em..  Poke the cherry's back in,  send em and pray for forgiveness..    

So  a big thankyou to anyone that picks me up on these things.     Well   @Glisten ,  Hope you got my other post.  I started typing..   Fell asleep,   for 2 hours,  then started typing again.  I think it only saved half of my post,   but was so tired, I just hit launch,  and Hoped for the best.


The computor I am on now, doesn't have back lit keys and with my eyesight, well its a challenge.

Waiting on my other laptop  to come back,    I some times spell words back to front too,   but that's for further 

investigation by my,  bemused, confused,  overworked and unenthused, shrink.      I made an appointment for him to go see a, . . .   shrink.  and an apology for messing with his head . . .  


Hope you and your furry friend are spoiling yourselves and each other to the max, @Emelia8   Sounds like its a bit lonely were you are Emelia.   Are there opportunities for you to get out and have a dance and be 

a teenager again...   Don't tell tonys your over it all.  If I can make a fool of myself,   and stand on toes,

well anyone can..  OK.   Ive badgered you enough..

N e x t..  @TAB    I always like picking on tab. . .  Nah,   its still hot there.  well the forecast is looking

promising,    but before you crack the front door,  put the back of your hand on it first.  paint peeling off is a bad sign,  and keep your Geiger counter handy.   Take care mate,  you too  @greenpea   your almost neighbours,  by Australian standards.. 


Hi @Former-Member   It was absorbing reading snippets of your life story.    I could see you leaving

long red contrails through a lonely, vulnerable landscape and only the shudder of  potholes to 

stir you from from your own vulnerabilities.  Sucked into the vacuum of a predetermined destiny

perhaps,  or the roar of those road train rockets putting increasing comfort between us and our passed..    For some of us the rocket will never be big enough. . .


I'm a passivist too @Former-Member .  Mind you,  I do have a gun,   but I need to get a longer string 

for the cork. . . .   LoL  


Have a special day beaut people.  @Oaktree   @Former-Member @Appleblossom    @GuiltyinLife 

@saturnzoon  @ @Shaz51  @Former-Member   @Tilz  @Historylover  @Emelia8  @Meowmy  Hope you're purring mate..  @Adge  and  everyone out there in the vast..                                     tonys..