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Re: Good Morning!

Thats ok @Shaz51 hang in there!

Re: Good Morning!

Hi  @Shaz51    Well I will be thinking of you next week as you and hubby face your challenges.

I hope its not too serious and that all goes smoothly.   Lets hope the wet season shows you some respect too.


Hey  @Former-Member   @TAB   Sorry you missed out on the anticipated package TAB.  Scoundrels..

That is very frustrating.  Is it possible it went to the wrong address.  A love doll someone in my street 

ordered ended up on my doorstep some how..  I just smile and give a knowing wave as I drive past, 

and put  Cindy's name on the diplomatic Christmas card each year. . .  


eBay question for you guys.   So,  I've never bought anything from eBay every time I try,  they say they won't deliver to a P.O box  which Amazon always does.  So nothing ever gets stolen.   The Post send me a tx ms or email and my cousin pics it up.  Never fails.  So I tried eBay again last

week and without me asking for it.  They sign me up to some 30 day free trial.  They did this in the hope that I will forget and then in 30 days and forever more,  they deduct a few dollars that they hope I will not notice from my account.   What a low act. !  May be they were good,  but gangsters have moved in.  Beware.


So . . .   I googled it and found others are going through this nightmare too and eBay won't respond to their Emails to stop this dodgy practice.   I hoped I was just being paranoid.     I  Rang fair trading and they said they are snowed under with complaints regards eBay.  Now I have too write to the paper and change my account details just to stop them.  How is it that I can be signed up to a free trial and 

I did not even complete the purchase because they wanted to deliver to door.


Till Fair trading goes through them,  I will be staying well clear.


Very rare that I whinge but eBay  of late.   RooOOAARR !!                                       tonys..


Re: Good Morning!

umm .. @tonys  if does not accept PO box, i use ebay as goes by austpost 

local post office peeps know me , so if has street address they just hang onto it for me.  not sure what you signed up to ? a newspaper ? 

Re: Good Morning!

Thats just it @TAB   Nothing..  I bought nothing .. !  !..       I signed nothing..  They are randomly picking people and telling them,  without there consent,  that they are on some free trial for god knows what.. !. 

In 30 days,   They just hope you don't notice.  They change the name of the trial from person to person.  It is a very 

subtle  SCAM..   and fair trading is still pulling it to pieces to understand it. 


Australia has a Million farms with endless driveways and out buildings.  We want our junk delivered to the Post office without it feeling like a favour.  eBay is a dodgy business. with out dated practices,

and the law is going to catch up with them. 


Re: Good Morning!

So aus post.. ?   so how is it,   that it got pinched from your premisses,  or did I read that wrong.

Did it get pinched from the post office..?   


On line shopping is a new thing for me and I'm still trying to understand it.  @TAB         tones.

Re: Good Morning!

..generally have to click on something @tonys  i f I decide to , I cancel it straight away and enjoy my 30 days..

Re: Good Morning!

There is no  Cancel Icon on the page.  They do not respond to requests for this when I try to contact them.  @TAB    And again..   I ordered nothing.  They even sent me an email asking me to complete my transaction or empty my shopping cart.   They just without consent ,  sign people to there 30 day free trial to  WHAT..   no explanation of what you get and no way out except cancel card before trial ends.


Any Ideas  @Former-Member ..      I suspect they have accessed My Gov and are specifically targeting

people with intellectual disabilities.    Was targeted a few years back like this, but perused it and 

received damages.  It happens..   tns 

Re: Good Morning!

well the payment has to come from somewhere @tonys  ring bank and cancel it

Re: Good Morning!

OH don't worry I will be cancelling the card and getting a new one as soon as my Amazon order arrives.

I only just keep enough in it to cover a purchase.  Just don't want to see others get burnt.  

@TAB    ..    tonys..

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

I don't quite understand what is going on with your ebay account @tonys


Have you contacted IDCARE 1800 595 160 or gone to their website 


or rang ACCC? is another place to get info. 


I have all these written down for my personal reference in case I get scammed at any date in future. I have it written in my list of contacts in my addressbook


You could always cancel the bank account connected with your ebay and attach a new bank account instead if you are worried about being scammed.  Changing passwords to make them sophisticated and having two step authentification so no-one can use your ebay account.


I can't make sense of what is going on. Can you provide more info please if you are able? I know its getting late. I'm about to organise some dinner soon 🙂