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Re: Good Morning!

Thanks @Former-Member 

I'll look into it 🙂

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Re: Good Morning!

Yes I used to buy frozen yoghurt then just used to just freeze yoghurt I bought.


I usually have refrigerated coconut yoghurt so its freezable. Have thought about doing that again.


But I will say theres something for chilled mung bean soup. The mung beans have cooling properties in traditional chinese medicine @TAB 

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Re: Good Morning!

Thats no good @TAB I know it must be disheartening but pace yourself and be patient with your health. No-one is expecting you to be any other way. Just relax and work with your rhythms

Re: Good Morning!

yeah idk had really good walk of walking then let it go for a week, that does not seem to help @Former-Member 

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Re: Good Morning!

Idk @TAB I guess you got to listen to your body and be attuned to what its telling you. You will have your specialists appointments in the New Year. Not long to wait now, but I know you've waited a            L-O-N-G time to get medical answers. Thats the only thing I can say. It must make you feel so deflated not knowing what your health/vitality is doing from one day to the next. 

Re: Good Morning!

yes, its been like 3 years and not really much the wiser prob had 10 ecgs 2 were bad , rest ok, plus every other test  well , found clots  who knows @Former-Member 

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Re: Good Morning!

@TAB its hard to say. I know youre upset over it and must feel frustrated with the way things have turned out. I know I would be. 

Re: Good Morning!

yeah well if cardiologist duds out will be up to me to fix everything @Former-Member  lol

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Re: Good Morning!

Yeah thats the path I had to take unfortunately but it took years of putting together the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle @TAB I've seen lots of cowboys in the alternate healing industry. Its like the wild west tbh. I've known people online invest tens of thousands of dollars to get well. I'm glad it did not happen to me. Anyway I possibly have to cut this short for now, got to get a few things done around - throw out garbage and start considering dinner

Re: Good Morning!

okay no worries @Former-Member 

..BBL only on paytv tonite @StuF (forgot yr not fussed) @Zoe7 @Emelia8 

will get around to broadband and paytv one day.. not wanting to spend another $100 a month plus for not much better than 4G tho. as would be sharing a fibre connection with 100 other people lol