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Re: Good Morning

.. I got the flue kit @tonys 

Re: Good Morning

Good to hear they're treating you right @tonys . I'll bear that in mind re meningococcal!

Re: Good Morning

Beaut @TAB   Hanging to see a pic of that dragon belching flames .


Gnite  @TAB   @StuF  @Former-Member  N everyone.                                      tonys

Re: Good Morning


Zoroastrianism is one of the world's oldest known living religions and has its origins in the distant past. It developed about three and a half thousand years ago from the ancient Indo-Iranian religion that was once shared by the ancestors of nomadic herding tribes that later settled in Iran and northern India.23 Sept 2019


An introduction to Zoroastrianism | The British Library

British Library › sacred-texts › articles › an-introducti...
Zoroaster - Wikipedia

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning

Good morning @TAB and @tonys up early watching the sunrise.  Was told if after 48 hours was symptom free of virus can come out of quarantine.  Had brekky and a drink of prophylactic fennel/cinnamon tea lol (!) then headed off for a walk with my laser and ankle weights. The weights are only half a kilo and very light on the feet but its what I was told to get for fitness. Had a nice walk blood sugar was 5.4 afterwards. Haven't walked since Monday so it was great to get out. Now doing resistance bands. The things you got to do. I hope you folks are doing ok we have a challenging astrological transit today, heres the heads up <images>


Moon opposition Saturn ie 180 degrees apart in the skyMoon opposition Saturn ie 180 degrees apart in the sky


Screen Shot 2023-06-23 at 3.53.06 pm.png





Re: Good Morning

@Former-Member good morning SG, have a good Saturday. @MDT hey Hamso, hope you will have a good day. Take care.

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning

Hello lovely lady @Meowmy I'm about to go back and read an old book this Saturday I used to have and get back into using some of the spiritual practices it suggested which are of the hour. I will implement them as part of my core program.  I hope you are doing as well as is possible. Give yourself some down time today if needed 🙏 ❤️

Re: Good Morning

@Former-Member hey SG, enjoy your hook and well being practices. Going to meet some friends for lunch in the city. Doing some errands here for mum.

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning

A day for a luncheon that sounds nice @Meowmy 

Re: Good Morning

Morning all
Have woken up a bit later
Was put last night with work people. Was good
Just sitting down to brekky (big) I made.
Scored a free coffee too- place was celebrating 1 year. Lol

Then off to library to meet partner while she studies I'll read and watch some lectures

See you round