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Re: Good Morning

@Former-Member @TAB @Shaz51  Good morning all


@MDT Manager's manager sounds toxic as it is ... lol ... not sure managers are always doing their job lot of shifty shifty and often moving on before they get sprung.  That said I still talk about one manager I had in my teens early 20s ... worth his weight in gold.


re paranoia, fear and suspicion; its important to do the sifting work, it is on another one of those spectrummy thingummies ... fear is also life saving.  I was too trusting and finally I have figured out the reasons why, totally normal with my background, not just that I was the village idiot.


Without trust it is hard to have any relationships.




Ha ha I have run up and over dunes, but it is not easy ... due to slippage lol ... dune sand is highly unstable ... need to send it to the shrink ... lol

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Re: Good Morning

@MDT just got my electricity bill. Had the air conditioning on a lot over summer and was dreading being slugged by a yucky bill. I roughly use the same amount I did previous year so there was no price hike which was a relief.  I pay fortnightly so it was paid in total with a small amount leftover thank goodness. I keep it on the most economical temperature setting so it works out cheaper also with automatic fan adjustment on.  I am really relieved.  I love my Rinnai airconditioner!


@TAB I'm glad you got out yesterday to the beach, it may not have come together well doing it on your own but its got you into a better mindset so you can get back into fitness. Sometimes when I go out by myself its hard to make the effort when you get stuck in a rut. I know things were getting you down where you are in the caravan park. Are you looking at other places to live right now? 

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Re: Good Morning

Hello @Appleblossom yes its been a good start to the day. People who climb the corporate ladder can lead towards be pathological in many situations.  I think it does something to the personality. My ex sister in law was a psychologist and she told me this is true.  No news for the day, just jumping for joy my electricity bill was ok after using airconditioning most hot days during summer.  It is so energy efficient. What is new in your world?

Re: Good Morning

Had a plumber out this morning, and he was a young kid and doing what his company wanted upsell upsell upsell.  So I made a crack about managers to him before I made that post to @MDT  lol ... when plumber did the 'gotta talk to my manager' number ... and wriggle room in price ... heard it all.  I liked him as a kid, and I know when they are just doing their job as they have been trained to do ... 


The really good thing is that I wanted my son engaged in the process of decision making and that went really well.  My son does not have to be a plumber, but bottom line we all gotta deal with and MANAGE life's problems ... at one level or another.  I got him to tell the guy ... we need to think about it and will be in touch if you are needed .... it was partly son's bathroom etc etc.  My urgent job was not so urgent I needed it done today ... next week or the week after is fine.  I know how to TRIAGE emotional and practical things.  Woops maybe feeling a tad cranky about MH triage experiences ... Sorry.

How are you?

Is it hot? ... I walk at night before dusk.


On the topin

Re: Good Morning

.. yes the Sand of Time like Days of our Drearies @Appleblossom  AB lol like the sand thru the hourglass , so are the Days of our Lives .. lol 

Good insight, yeah good managers few and far between and the lengths the bad ones will go to to eff people over would beggar belief if peopl knew ..

Re: Good Morning

ahh .. me either and I'm  more than a bag on cement more than was when younger lol, so def cant do it carrying bag of cement with me at age 60 lol @StuF 

Re: Good Morning

looks like a 'Wanderer' .. ? @Former-Member  am next to hills here in Perth cockies everywhere, they swarm on tree nuts and stuff

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Re: Good Morning

I like the area as I'm really close to country living as can be without being off the beaten track, but we get them flying overhead in groups screeching @TAB together with rosellas.  But they were feeding off a neighbours lawn yesterday morning.

Re: Good Morning

well I'm 5 mins walk from State Park @Former-Member , 3 mins walk from highway and 5mins drive to Westfield, so it's not all bad here , okay very dodgy area same as you said re yours lol

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Re: Good Morning

Yes its very true about my suburb but I do like the open spaces and a slower paced lifestyle @TAB Its a notorious area pretty much like where you are now.  It attracts lower income families