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Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @Glisten enjoy your busy day. I'm feeling somewhat sluggish. I need a kick start. Have put my crystals in water to soak in water to prepare for the full moon energy

Re: Good Morning!

..I started adult apprenticehsip age 27 @Glisten  at trade school in 3rd year there was a guy in mid40s it was like look how old he is ok he looked 60 tbh  lol

not uncommon for for people in 60s or older now have heard

Re: Good Morning!

@Former-Member   my friend.     The question still  stands..   Will  Alice ever find her way back to Kansas . .?



Re: Good Morning!

@Former-Member also feeling a little sluggish start to my day, looking out on our balcony think it is going to be a humid but rainy day again here. 


Hope the full moon restores and sends good energy vibes your way for now till the next full mon appears.

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Re: Good Morning!

@HelloKitty1981 yes must be the day for it! Sometimes if I feel sluggish I will use carnelian crystal for a boost but my crystals are all soaking in water to be ready to be put out under the full moon.


Its quite hot/humid here. I feel so sorry for my lawnmower man who is here today. He hails from Bali and just got back from a holiday from there. He goes back there to Bali to see friends and relatives each year. I don't know how he copes in the heat. I told him to only do what he can today. My garden is a mess since he's been gone for a month. I tried getting in another lawnmower man but it was impossible. 


Have been analysing the full moon astrologically and how I need to harness the energy.


Just cooking some DIY junk food here out of leftover cauliflower

Re: Good Morning!

I have seen some amazing things like cauliflower steaks all nice and crisp, done in an air fyer. I am curious what diy junk food you can make out of it? 

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Re: Good Morning!

@HelloKitty1981 cauliflower steaks in an airfryer sounds amazing. I don't own an airfryer but know its all the buzz.  Knew someone from a fb budgeting group whose oven packed up. She could not afford a new oven and did airfrying for roasts etc instead. They turned out really well. I was quite stunned at how good it looked going by pictures. Yes I buy organic produce and a head of cauli can cost a bit each week so I use everything up. I use the remainder of cauli in this bliss ball recipe.  It means nothing goes to waste in my crisper.  Its healthy junk food.


Have heard they are putting insect meal in flour and possibly junk food so its good to make your own treats. I have an app on my Android that scans food barcodes worldwide to see if there is insect meal in it. Have heard the chitans in insect meal aren't good for your digestion



Re: Good Morning!

Thank you for the links. I would never think to use cauliflower as an ingredient to make bliss balls. Will definately have to give this a go.


I have heard and seen some receipes where they do indeed use insect powder to make food products but on a more commercial scale. 

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Re: Good Morning!

@HelloKitty1981 I think the lemon rind in the bliss balls give it an extra dash of zing.


I tried making it out of leftover cauli that I blitzed in a food processor into "cauli rice" and froze to use today.


I took the blitzed cauli rice out of the freezer today.


I think it leaves too much moisture in the cauli having it frozen for this dish. But I baked it anyway and its now cool and being chilled in the refrigerator. It may firm up once its chilled.


Do you make cauli rice to freeze out of your leftover cauli or do you blanch and freeze the leftover florets?


The cauli rice which I make from blitzing in a food processor is great to whip out of the freezer and use as a great low carb rice substitute in meals.


So I don't waste the cauliflower


I don't cook with rice anymore.


I buy organic food and a whole head of cauli is $7 from the farm I buy it from. So it makes sense to use up everything.


If I can cook treats out of healthy organic food then thats a better idea than buying from a commercial company.  



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Re: Good Morning!


I don’t take the question lightly my friend. 
I’m feeling scared