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Re: Good Morning!

..I would just leave it alone. if its charging more slowly/not at all, means actual charger has prob overheated and turned itself off.  it will come back on and keep charging in its own time.

Patience.  @Former-Member 

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Re: Good Morning!

Hey thanks @TAB I could use your technical wisdom as I'm not really good with technology. I'll just leave it alone for now and disconnect it from charging. I did get a message last night about it overheating so you may be right. I have no manual and everything I learn is through online inquiry

Re: Good Morning!

just swap charger or if not warm to touch leave plugged in @Former-Member 

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Re: Good Morning!

OK thank you @TAB much appreciated!

Re: Good Morning!

..found all this out by trial and error myself. Hope it works @Former-Member 

Re: Good Morning!

@Former-Member  Yes you can and some people, you are probably one of them, do the furniture flipping every well. They have a brilliant eye for colour palettes.

It’s not my field of expertise and the only place I put paint is on a wall.

I’ll repair timber furniture for family and friends if they ask me.

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Re: Good Morning!

Thats really good @TAB I surprised myself when I downloaded a new operating system for my computer without onsite technical support, just advice over the phone! lol That was last week as my computer wouldn't work

Re: Good Morning!

I've done that before , but wouldnt do now re OS @Former-Member  things are always different. Plus I never got around to backing my my hard drive up lol

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Re: Good Morning!

I know its amazing what you can do with rickety old chairs @Glisten. I haven't painted a place in quite a number of years now. My previous landlords house I painted but that was ages ago

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Re: Good Morning!

Yeah it was something that required me to sit still and trust the process @TAB The computer kept getting rebooted until finally a new screen layout for Ventura appeared and everything was ok after that.  I have been comfortable with all these upsets and strange happenings with fluorite crystal - its kept me calm and composed. Would you believe on Boxing Day, a holiday, over the road were tree loppers with chainsaws ripping out every tree on the property on a day thats meant for quietude?