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Re: Good Morning!

Its so bizarre the way the world is right now @TAB we are revisiting history with world wars. Heard from a historian being interviewed a while back that world events come in threes: pandemics, famine and then wars. You look over history and thats the consistent pattern. We have had covid, all kinds of food shortages now this.  


Came in after getting clothes off the line, made a weetbix slice. My crystals enjoyed the moonlight. Have selected a few crystals to wear. Got some Lemurian Seed Quartz coming in the post. I think I may go and listen to a podcast now. I hope you have a nice afternoon! Its been cooler here, should go off for a walk soon. 

Re: Good Morning!

theres nothing learnt @Former-Member  all about Power  and repression  and the planet is dying , yeh not an issue, keeping bombing hospitals lol

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Re: Good Morning!

Yes its hard to get any footage out of Gaza but saw yesterday they were bombing volunteer aid workers from the USA doing humanitarian work @TAB 

Re: Good Morning!

yes, funny , the people dying were prob christians and the people killing them were US citizens as well but non christian @Former-Member 

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Re: Good Morning!

Yes @TAB a large proportion of Palestinians living in Gaza are Christians not just the aid workers (who more than likely are Christian) but people don't generally know that people in Gaza are predominantly a high % Christian population but you never heard anything about such a thing as Christian terrorists these days coming out of Gaza. 

Re: Good Morning!

and muslims ungodly as not christian yet neither are jews @Former-Member 

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Re: Good Morning!

So true @TAB.  One female Jew I saw of childbearing age being filmed wanting the destruction of Palestine children when ironically instead they should be the carriers of life.  What kind of womanhood is that? The whole thing is quite disturbing. Israel is such an ugly nation. I haven't bought anything much from companies who are tied to Israel for years now (mainly food from certain companies) I don't like what has been going on. 

Re: Good Morning!

am going to leave it at that . lets just say jews does not mean Zionists although one is a subset of the other. @Former-Member 

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Re: Good Morning!

Gaza has been considered an open air concentration camp and this ethnic cleansing by Israel is ok yet they use the holocaust card themselves to call everyone who disagrees with them as anti semitic @TAB 

Re: Good Morning!

pretty much @Former-Member   and their coverage on tv has been called a 'masterclass of disinformation'