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Re: Good Morning!

hey   Glisten..    @Glisten   Yep,   still here ..  I  staggered through.  sent you a smoke signal earlier.   All  signs of passing..        left foot,

size 9 ,  missing  heal nails. . .  spurs attached.  Not a hard man to track in the dust,


Still got the pot on the stove if ya can handle the char,  a chew of backer,  and  an old fools gold tale.


How did the day pan out for you mate.   Broke a heart,  rustled a cow,  flashed a Spanish  eyes  tequila

 smile that turned a gunslinger to stone ?


Favour me.    Lie to me.    quicken an old timers pulse,     and regale me with  secrets from your  prairie

rose  garden..


 .     .    .    .  In short...     How was your day..?                                             


You do relize. . .      there probly not going to let me out of here...                    tonys..              

Re: Good Morning!

Hi All,



Hope everyone is good.


My week was the crescendo of an edge of seat opera. Glad it's over. The path in front, is not so formidable. I can see twigs, maybe a maple leaf or two.


The forest continues to be dense & claustrophobic. At the heights of those million old task trees, I see stars - tiny twinkles as the tallest branches sway delicately in the midnight breeze. Stars that know me. Beautiful, strong, ever enduring holes of white lite. My imagination is engaged. 


What if I could tear down ask that black sky, the darkness - so black it has become it's own colour now.


What if - behind, the illusion of this black night sky - an amazing brilliance of stars like a blanket of diamonds, lay before me? What if, I never had to search in this black again?


What if I could find a sky illuminating, only for me.


The sky I knew, before those million old trees, black tar, disease, obstructing my view.


Of what I know, & ALWAYS knew.


Laying on the couch. Waiting for dreams to find me. The ones where I'm flying ... - or in love.


Thankyou for link @Former-Member maybe the words I needed to fall asleep.


Consciousness within a dream. 

👑 filled with diamond stars.

I AM my own Queen 

In the gutter, you may see me 

An angel above me - below, all sides, Protection.

Glass slippers, A red rose 

A smile so sweet.

Here I feel peace

As I drift off to sleep.


G nite crew ... nd you too


@TAB @Kyle1 xx







Re: Good Morning!

@tonys  BAHAHA 🤣 

You ate a Spaghetti Western and spat it back out.

You did send me a smoke-signal is morning, I forgot. Hell tired

It was a lovely morning. 
@TAB  has kept me entertained this afternoon with his Top 10 Songs.

Don’t burn your dinner

I’m off to the land of Nod

I bid you adieu


Re: Good Morning!

Love that reply..   'Spaghetti western'.   a good belly laugh,    Thankyou  @Glisten 


May our ponies pass in the night.    

Re: Good Morning!

Nicely put @StanD (roomie) ..look up Robert Louis Stevenson re 'black' and D word..

She's got you covered in prose dept  @tonys is in classics, other , ok is Robert G Barrett or was that Les Norton ... still, theres a place for everything lol..

Re: Good Morning!

Ernest Borgnine was in Devils Rain , a horror movie. Low budget, well made. V. Scary @Glisten  as well as all comedy stuff

Re: Good Morning!

..sounds like you an Tones know each other @Glisten ? You been takin bully beefs lol ...

Onya @tonys  . .pa ..ding! Ok that was baccy wad like in Westerns lol  West Wyalong maybe... sharing plate of hot chips w bikie, watching Hooksie smack 20 odd off the over before it became the norm. Ok that was 1981 and me on way back to Army in Brisbane coming back from leave..

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB  You’re giving me to much credit.

 I was raised by my father. 😄

Had to endure school holidays on Dairy farms and camping. Which I did not enjoy. But it taught me dexterity I can fix things.

@tonys  do you have that coffee in a squeeze tube?


Re: Good Morning!

its okay was transferring things on you from people have met re moonshiners and cattle duffers from South (Hedland) .. lol 

old Tones prob has a few things behind his ear, dunno lol. I Iike condensed milk in a tube, and was brought up on kraft cheese in a box with foil that doesnt need to be in fridge lol @Glisten 



Re: Good Morning!
