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Re: Good Morning!

Wins a win sometimes @StuF  🤷‍♂️😸

Re: Good Morning!

East of Eden ? @Appleblossom 

Re: Good Morning!

Ha yeah @Former-Member 

TAB Birthday Thread  lolo 😎😸🎩

Re: Good Morning!

Take 'em when ya get 'em @TAB lol

Re: Good Morning!

Maybe they misunderstood re pickup on eBay ive never seen thst @Former-Member 

Re: Good Morning!

Tell ya what @StuF  re current 'theme' .. am going to blow my resurrected 6 day job off now think. Hurt back a doozy yest doing simple stretch not done in ages yest. Ie feet up wall after push bum to wall. Supposed to be for hamstrings but last few years has more effect on my back co if not done for a while gives incredible stretch pushing back s lowly to floor once feet up wall. Never used to be like this but am get all bowed w age . Unbelievable tension 

anyway. Back got to floor but one side all bugg ered now. Have to sleep dift pos, cant roll over in bed w/o difficulty 

Re: Good Morning!

That sounds rather shite @TAB 😞


(I saw a bit in another thread (?) that they hadn't called you about the job yet anyway?)

Re: Good Morning!

Sounds like stuff is alright aye @StuF

Re: Good Morning!

..yeah , only now it's 3 hours after I posted that @StuF  so I'd say I'm off the hook

just a matter of his take on it, whether he was  BS ing  me on friday or he is that disorganised .. either way I'm off the hook now.  from spelling errors and reading between lines he was out of office last contact around 2pm friday, he said 'site was okay with it'  and that he would 'discuss monday' re finer details. Guess he or site thought better of it and rightly so it would seem re me in general or me and my back stretching effort ha ha lot anyway should be $9000 in bank under a week from super. Stuff them . I need to get Serious about body and Careful about Who I see as potential employers and What I see as Work ...  will be having a drink in an hour and blocking them at 4pm lolo ...

Re: Good Morning!

Yeah @TAB 

I think it's probably best they didn't get back to you. You do need to get your body sorted and hopefully find more suitable work 🙂