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Re: Good Morning!

@TAB  Hey TABs! How are you doing?

Re: Good Morning!

GP! am in room w no tv have 2hrs to get thru waiting to meet up with other guys. Camp here pretty basic so not a lot can do outside room plus cold.
Showered. O ly brought change of underwear not clothes so prob get thrown out of mess not hungry anyway
Then drive home and nap/try and save something from the day
.. phew 😅.. how are you going @greenpea ?

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB  2 hours to get through then home :D! Not long now. You can do it cat!!!! Why didnt you take any clothes with you oh well at least you have a change of undies.


I am great went for a lovely walk spoke to a really nice young man along the way which is always nice to speak to friendlies. Hope it all goes super pea quickly for you so you can chill at home before it all starts up again!!!:O

Re: Good Morning!

This guy laat yr used to get at me saying too much stuff was trying to travel
Light ok overdid it had 1/4 of stuff took to last job ok ok here 1 night anyhoo
There’s a book here lol
Rental car is flash its a prado
Some guy started conversation last night spoke non stop over 30 mins in end after intial ‘why is he asking me thst’ believe me I spend a lot of time on own and cant get enthusiastic about work well did thrn somehow lol
Wats for pea-bkfst? @greenpea

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB  well when I got up at 1 I had porridge, then before I headed off for walk at 5 I had baked beans then when I got back I had museli:p!!! super healthy and 3 cups of black, strong coffee.:)

Re: Good Morning!

@greenpea  Good morning how are you doing today?

 I hope you enjoy your walk 💜

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning everyone have a great day ❤️

Re: Good Morning!

@Ant7  Hi and good morning Ant7 walk was lovely. Very brisk and invigorating :). What are your plans for today? Have you finished work?

Re: Good Morning!

That’s a lot of carbs sound like you can handle it with walking @greenpea yes very healthy re fibre etc prob have a coffee when get moving here

Re: Good Morning!

Good Morning @Ant7 and anyone around am on ph so lots thumb typing and no cheat-lists for names lol