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Re: Good Morning!

Morning @CheerBear@Maggie@soul@Ant7@Former-Member, 

not much on here today, sticking close to home.

hope you all have a great day

Re: Good Morning!

I thought of you yesterday when I came across a really pretty plant @Maggie, that I have added to our garden 🙂 The fish are still not over their bug but I think they're getting there now and will be almost ready to get up and out (thankfully because we have tickets to something seriously fun in a couple of days)!

@Former-Member - I think I read yesterday that one of your littles isn't well either. Hope it passes soon and that you and yours have a good day at home

Re: Good Morning!

Morning @Former-Member. Hope you get some relaxing in today.

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @CheerBear your morning sounds refreshing! I'm about to walk my dogs and then do a few stretches. I'm trying to fortify myself for the day. I have to sort out a whole lot of banking/legal stuff to do with selling house. Not fun but got to be done. Hope your day continues as well as it's started.

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Re: Good Morning!

Thanks @Maggie, hopefully so, I hope you have a good day

Thanks @CheerBear, hopefullt Miss 12 is better today, still asleep!


Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @frog. Hope the transition is going well. Sounds like you have a few things to get sorted. Better hop to it 😆🐸

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Re: Good Morning!


(compliments from my son's unit Brisbane)


Have a good day today!

"Be mindful of the hidden blessings in every moment and the whole world changes"


Re: Good Morning!

Thanks @soul Hope you're travelling ok too.

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Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @Former-Member, what a beautiful view. Hope you have a good day Smiley Happy

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @Former-Member - hope you're feeling better today. Nice view - sunrise.