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Re: Good Morning!

Hello @Oaktree just been up doing my Zen Chi machine for exercise and put air filters on to air the house.  I'm thinking my health problems may be hormonal so am using an experimental sound field to produce more progesterone.  Did what is called a sway Yes/No test to try and troubleshoot whats going on but sense it may be less progesterone. Have gone back to an ayurvedic morning practice to try get on top of it.


Didnt get around to doing hair treatment yesterday - will do it today. Got to plough through my book on Bitcoin. Was hoping to get to a Bitcoin group but its just too far away. Will have to learn it myself. There is some great videos on how to get started and theres folks who are in the older generation like me hopping on board. Veneuzealans seemed to survive during hyperinflation just being on Bitcoin.


Watching some alt-journalism on attacks on infrastructure in the USA. Got to get back into preparedness. I have a stack of water casks with taps so if the electrical water grid goes down will have water to flush my loo. Plus enough casks to take to a natural spring. We are seeing more and more attacks on infrastructure globally. 

Re: Good Morning!

sound good @Oaktree  enjoy 

Re: Good Morning!



I think it’s interesting that the workplace has been divided into two groups in the first place. Of course that is going to cause an us and them divide naturally. Good luck

Re: Good Morning!

Morning Hams @MDT 

Re: Good Morning!

@MDT hope you are well in your part of the world.

Life drags on as it does in sleepy Perthville. 


I'm heading off tomorrow for an Easter break with family, observance of the death and resurrection of the Christian saviour for those of us who believe and an nice break from work for those who don't.


Life is the only thing we can't get out of alive. Today's philosophical statement!


Hope life is treating you well, just as you deserve 😊

Re: Good Morning!

someone tried to start believers thread on here like 5 years ago and was really put in their place @ENKELI  you do come across them though. no names no pack drill lol


Re: Good Morning!

@TAB how do you mean put in their place?
For the record I'm a Christian and to be honest it would be nice to talk to other Christians who suffer from MH issues. I don't follow new age practices like crystals or star signs but I believe everyone has the right to their own beliefs.

I also do not proselytize, if someone asks I will answer but I don't believe Sane is a place to put forth any religious or spiritual beliefs. I will ask permission before saying I will pray for someone.


If anything I have said has upset you please accept my apologies. The last thing I want is to feel I am judging you.


Now that I've blabbed that out, how are you spending the long weekend?! I hope you get to relax and do some Tabby related things like you deserve 😍 

Re: Good Morning!

you're allowed to pray for me or whoever you like @ENKELI  my mother was very religious , spent years doing bible studies, was a Deaconess before married. Was a church elder for many years as well. I never had anything to do with religion unless was made to ie sunday school, church etc. as soon as I could get out of it , I did. Maybe there is something. Idk. 

anyway, wind prob blowing dift direction to what it did years ago on here , but go for it 

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB lol, sounds like my brother. Mum used to drag him kicking and screaming to church until he got too big to drag and she gave up! Mum jokingly says she doesn't know where she went wrong, I tell her it was giving birth to him. Bro and I are very close, he actually lives with me and is the best person for when I need support as he doesn't judge or change the subject.

I don't like to think of myself as religious, to me that sums up the little old lady in the JWs coming to my door and telling me I'm going to hell because I believe in eating pork and donating blood.

Jesus is my saviour, not my religion 😃


What I love about Sane is that we all have different malfunctions, beliefs, needs, desires and choices but at the core of us all is that we have reached out because we acknowledge we need help with our MH.

I read a post from someone else that things are not great for you Tab, anything I can do to help?

You're good people Tab!

Re: Good Morning!

..'bent coat hangers' as friend used to say @ENKELI  ie all got something 'not right' ...

hmm, another conv. more I whine, prob brings me down sometimes. they asked, I told, dunno. I dont sugar coat things . its life. ha yeah, you too re 'good people' my dodgy memory tells me I am not christened. the story I remember was mother said it doesnt mean anything unless you are at least aware/believe. had once a year churchgoers who break every rule in book tell me am going to Hell because of that lol maybe I should ask to see church records. no one remembers. and mum been gone for years now