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Re: Good Morning!

The cost of living certainly has increased, @saturnzoon. We didn't know how good we had it before, did we? I notice it at the grocer mostly and despite being a very careful shopper who compares prices for all goods and services, it is all getting very difficult. I find Aldi great for groceries but their prices are going up too. I have just bought a car because I couldn't do without one any longer so I'm waiting to see how tightly my belt will have to be pulled now. 

Re: Good Morning!

Hey @Historylover sounds like you are losing someone. Is there any way of keeping in contact with your neighbour after she moves? I know what she meant to you. We all need this in our lives. I know she was there for you in your time of need recently and its good to know she has lived experience of MI.  Its hard when people go off with their romantic partners and be overly involved possibly leaving friends etc out of the equation. It must feel really disappointing! Maybe just say casually you'd like to keep in contact?


I pay my electricity bill fortnightly through a Centrelink service called "Centrepay". The government deducts an amount from my pension each fortnight to go towards the cost of my bill so once the money is gone its gone - it goes direct to the electricity company and my bill rolls over even if there's amounts owing, I don't have to pay. But I can always adjust my deductions on This year I got free energy efficient lightbulbs put in which have cut the cost of my electricity bills. It was through an online initiative which I clicked on in facebook. I must have had over $200 worth of light globes put in for free. Please look into it. You may have seen something about it online.

Re: Good Morning!

@SmilingGecko @Historylover  got power bill today , did not know what to expect after last  one over $700 was $330 in credit

new charges were only  $180 cos did not use heaters and cos new led lights guess. got concession payments around $600, backdated .

Re: Good Morning!

Have you got reverse cycle aircon? @TAB Heating using other appliances can be very expensive. I learnt this mistake myself having an oil radiator on during one winter which I deeply regretted. I don't turn heaters on now.


In the past before reverse cycle aircon was installed would use a heated electric throw from K-mart and just wrap myself in it all winter with my thermals on. For $30 in an electric throw investment thats lasted years its kept my electricity bill from spiking.


Learnt this from an environmental scientist who came out to my home to do an energy audit for pensioners from a community development initiative. The throw actually keeps you warmer than having a heater on! TRUE!


Had a friend who I mentioned this to who finally bought one and deeply regretted not doing it sooner. Said he wasted money on bills having a heater on when an electric throw was a much better option.


He could not afford to pay his bills over winter. He stays warm now. He lives in high country so it gets quite cold.


I've had my electric throw for years. Not bad for a cheap K-mart purchase that translates into massive savings

Re: Good Morning!

yes, re aircon , but its only in one room and only use it say if over 35 in real time, not forecast.. @SmilingGecko 

I will get another electric blanket next year, last years useless, went too cheap. also go blinds to put up and need to get weather seals for doors

Re: Good Morning!

Is this the type of throw you got? @TAB I have my aircon is reverse cycle so it heats as well as it cools and is so energy efficient compared to heaters


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Re: Good Morning!

No, I got an electric blanket for my bed @SmilingGecko  . it was like 40w or 70, took 3 hours to warm up then would keep getting hotter ie no thermostat

so , they way I had used them in past, heat bed up then turn to low or off could not be done was all or nothing, going in bin if its still around

yes, have reverse cycle, got wood heater tho and yes, both in same room. I am interested in getting some vents to transfer heat and cool into other rooms.

my aircon is not that old surprisingly and its an inverter one, although lower power , place tiny anyway

Re: Good Morning!

@SmilingGecko, I hope to keep in contact with my neighbour if she moves. She's a delight and much as I don't want to lose her, if she's found a soulmate I'd be ecstatic for her. She's too lovely to remain single.


We've had big promotions for light globe replacements here too, but one group who came around changing them said that I didn't have enough to change. Since my renovation, I now only have two of the old type of globe and at night I have no lights on. I can't stand watching television with lights on and it gives off enough light anyway.

Re: Good Morning!

My electricity bill was $75.59 for the month so I'm happy with that, @TAB. I wouldn't mind solar panels but until they are compulsory my landlord won't bother with them. He'd put the rent up in that case anyway, so what I'd gain on the swing I'd lose on the roundabout. Your needs over there are different to mine in Melbourne, as are your personal needs. 

Re: Good Morning!

@Historylover  thats alright re bill  and poss tru re landlord. I dont have have solar panels here. if got them, would be only if I could use for myself or for a local grid. think there is one down the road from here. my main point with bill was that took them so long to sort concession out . Anyway, done now. My 'needs' are not to die in heat and have some sort of comfort when cold. ok and to run applicances, cook food and wash clothes and myself.