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Re: Good Morning

Glad you're relaxing @Shaz51 . Must be hard if Mr shaz has run out of projects  My BIL is planning for retirement and taking up old and new hobbies.

Re: Good Morning

 Mr shaz has lots  of projects here @Dimity , just needs some sunshine to do them and since moving down to to this house after our house fire , he feels a bit overwhemled now since my mum has moved into aged care xxx

Re: Good Morning

Hugs @Shaz51 fIngers crossed the sun comes out soon. 

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Re: Good Morning

Woke up and took blood sugars and it was 5.5 in the healthy range at 7am!  Blood sugar usually spikes in the morning for most people so was happy with my reading today.    Have shed more weight so my diabetes educator will be pleased when I chat with her on Thursday on the phone with telehealth.  Next month in May am due for more blood tests to get my glucose average as well as other vitals. Will go out for a walk soon but the fog is thick in the air right now in Melbourne.  Don't know when the fog will lift.


@TAB @Appleblossom @Former-Member @Dimity @Shaz51 

Re: Good Morning

Well done @Former-Member  wont be working or tidying here. upset hip/back again , same or worse than yest. Just cruel, I crumpled and couldnt straighten up again. got to go to post office and centrelink today, wondering how am going to do that lol...

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Re: Good Morning

Yes I know @TAB you must be in a lot of pain!  I just am back in from my W.A.L.K.  My smaller pair of slacks are fitting me better now.  Must have dropped another dress size. I know what you mean when you get hunched over with back issues and cant lift yourself up to straighten your spine. Its no good. Maybe just go easy on yourself today and only do what is necessary. Its hard meeting commitments when you have no social supports and you have sickness/injury. I've just been having house clearing music on. Now will go clean the vanity

Re: Good Morning

thanks @Former-Member  I might check mygov to see if they have done anything w sick cert yet; would save 1 stop when go out. Enjoy your cleaning

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Re: Good Morning

I don't remember the last time I entered a Centrelink office. I do all my disability pension stuff on mygov.  Hope you can sort it out online @TAB it would beat getting out and having to wrestle with a gov't employee. Just cleaned and disinfected the vanity. That will be all for today.  Have been on my walk. Tomorrow will tackle bathtub.  House is looking better

Re: Good Morning

G'day @TAB @Former-Member  and all

Wishing good days 🙂


@TAB  I hope your pain eases sufficiently for you to do the things you need to do today

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Re: Good Morning

Hello and good morning @StuF, just clearing my energy field now and doing some astrology. Having a good day compared to yesterday with gastro. Putting through some loads of washing to hang out tomorrow. Its going to be good weather the next few days.  More blood irradiation. Have my diabetes educator telehealth appointment this Thursday she will be happy with my progress