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Re: Good Morning

Yes, it's very complicated @Former-Member. Are you a typical Virgoan? I am a (painful) perfectionist, and most at home in anything to do with the field of medicine—any field—which is Virgo typical, I have read. I used to be patient, but I was patient until my patience burnt out. I don't know what I am now. I haven't put it to the test, but perhaps I have learnt from earlier experiences not to bother being patient. People just think they can do anything to you and you'll just tolerate it. Live and learn. 


I've never been into astrology as it seemed that anyone can fit into some of the things we read, and predicted daily events could occur to anyone. Lately, however, I have been wondering if there is a tendency to throw the baby out with the bath water. We are all elements in a universal system, so who knows? It could align with the paranormal, which is also a baby easily thrown out with the bath water. People think it is all fiction, and paranormal certainly isn't. In fact, it is so scientific that unless your higher studies have taken you into that field, it just seems too smoke and mirrors, and only for the gullible. I can honestly say that I just don't know about this world we (think we) live in anymore. Anyway, I'm happy to cogitate.

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Re: Good Morning

My brain doesn't feel so good after insomnia @TAB I'm kind of wondering how you must be feeling because of it. Do you know why your sleep schedule is off?  

Re: Good Morning

was meds then stopped meds @Former-Member  each of those things mess with sleep. also not exercising etc etc , nothing to do , yeah so it just gets out of control after a while

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Re: Good Morning

Yes @Historylover its hard to universally apply astrology to a one size fits all approach as it depends on the individuals evolution and the skill of the astrologer. In most cases the astrology chart contains the placements which can be overcome through awareness and growth. Your chart does not determine who you are. You can outgrow your chart. Same with mundane (world) transits its hard to see how it may manifest but can point to probabilities. You can also choose the higher octave of each planets energy. 


It sounds like you've had psychic attack. Things you can do are to defend your biofield from unwelcome attacks. You may have holes in your aura which allow people to try and gain a foothold and hurt you. Holes in the aura are entry points for attackers.  I used to use labradorite crystal to repair holes in my aura and black tourmaline for psychic attack. There are also you tube videos for strengthening your biofield (aura).  I can supply them if you want @Historylover 

Re: Good Morning

Psychic attack, @Former-Member? I've been almost psychically obliterated by my ex-psy. I don't understand how he has done it. Perhaps it is like having teeth straightened—little by little he took the reins of my life. He's such a part of me that I can't dislodge him. I identify with the imprinted duckling with its human master. I would have to move to an unfamiliar place, without most everything, and while there is one part of the old life remaining, he would be still connected. And I'm just too set in my ways to start again in unfamiliar places. No-one but a psy could hope to fully understand what he has done to me, and they think it is funny. He just uses me as a conduit now to achieve his further objectives. And the frightening thing is, no-one understands what I'm talking about. They think I am off on a psychedelic trip. I can assure all that my feet are firmly planted on the ground, and my mind is crystal clear. I speak with the scientific accuracy he trained me to. And I'm scared, @Former-Member. Even if I could dislodge him, I don't think I would be any better off. I would be all at sea in an unfamiliar place, even without moving. He has left no stone unturned to destroy me. I just wait everyday to see if he has set the next trauma in motion. I'm so traumatized and alone in this dreadful situation.


Please provide me with the link, @Former-Member. I've been considering an exorcist, hypnotist or psychic or anything to fix this, and have never entertained such ideas before. I haven't taken it any further as if it could be fixed, I doubt I could find the right one. I doubt anyone can fix this. That would not have been his intention


I wish this was sci-fi.

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Re: Good Morning

@Historylover here are the things I use.  I am aware your psychiatrist has harmed you and you also have difficult relations with some people in your family.  It can feel so desperate and alienating as a result of what these people do. But you have some options. I understand you can't move and how hopeless circumstances must appear right now. But I'm happy to provide some options.


I listen to the below audios with headphones. They can literally change your life but you must be consistent 


This one you have to sit quietly and receive in a meditative state. It will make your aura 10x stronger. You will feel a rock solid impermeable membrane around yourself:


Here is another one with beautiful imagery as another option for strengthening your aura and sealing holes.


Here is another one for stopping aggresive energy and creating a cocoon around yourself:


I use this one for psychic attack:


You may also wish to use this one to cut negative cords with your psychiatrist









The thin shell around the body of each individual quite often accumulates negative emotions and energy consequences of diseases.In addition, the biofield is very sensitive to external environmental influences, so holes in the human aura are a frequent phenomenon that esotericists struggle with ...

Re: Good Morning

G'day @Former-Member 


Out all day here. Have a good one 🙂

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Re: Good Morning

Hey there @StuF. Hows your biopsy sites going? Are you able to get around now?  I had a good nights sleep last night! YEEHA!

Re: Good Morning

Sites are good thanks @Former-Member . First day completely uncovered. Able to move normally.


Great that you had a good night's sleep. So important!

Re: Good Morning

Yay for a good night's sleep @Former-Member !!! I remember when I had insomnia how excited I would get when I slept well!

Hope tonight is just as good.
