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Re: Good Morning!

Ohh I hate that @Former-Member  nearly went back to dr last time was searching 

Re: Good Morning!

Yeah just got up and going back again @Former-Member  withdrawals prob help been sparing on meds to manage it too

Re: Good Morning!

Hate ph appts @Judi9877  have been hours early, completely unannounced, hour plus late. No consideration lol 

Re: Good Morning!

Good  Afternoon and Welcome @Nemxa 

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @Nemxa . I’m having a day of knitting and I’ll maybe do some crochet as well. I’m feeling a little anxious about my phone appointment with my case manager coming up later today which is why I’ve got my essential oils diffuser going to help calm me down. I hope your day improves!



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Re: Good Morning!

Good luck @Judi9877 @ with your CM I've had some rotten ones too in the past !

Re: Good Morning!

Good luck today and awesome what's your favourite thing to crochet? Thank you

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @TAB . I personally find phone appointments with my case manager better than actually going to her office in a health setting as I have to wear a mask and do all the COVID-19 protocols like answer questions which takes longer than the actual appointment of 10 minutes seeing her which I find to be a waste of time, money and petrol for my car. I’m also nervous of driving too far lately as well over an irrational fear of my car breaking down despite it last being repaired 3 months ago when I was in hospital. As for Telehealth with my GP, often he is late but I’m used to this so I just put up with it as his surgery is like an hour away where I used to live 3 years ago. He’s a good doctor which is why I’ve kept him unlike some of the other doctors in my area which aren’t the best. 

Take care!


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Re: Good Morning!

Just as I was about to hit the wall with my gardening efforts, @TAB heres what I harvested today.  Beetroot leaves, beetroots and carrots. Thank-you for your advice. My garden is coming together. I'll keep persisting. Will wash these blanch them and freeze.  



Re: Good Morning!

Natural is always better @Former-Member good job.


I use a site called cosdna (cosmetics dna) I can't put anything on my skin that is comedogenic (pore blocking).

It's scary when you see ingredients that go into things.


I'm always battling sunscreen! I think Zinc based is the safest? I find it the most inconvenient to wash off.