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Re: Good Morning!

Good morning and good afternoon @FloatingFeather @Former-Member @Former-Member @Former-Member @Jake63 @TAB @MDT @Former-Member @Shaz51 @Meowmy @Kelly8 @Snowie @Former-Member @Historylover @Paperdaisy @yellowcorgi @Former-Member @tyme @hanami @outlander @Zoe7 @maddison @Eve7 @BPDSurvivor @Captain24 @StuF and all forumites here today. Happy Melbourne Cup Day to all forumites here! I hold your day is progressing well.


@FloatingFeather I’m not doing anything for the Cup - just staying home and going about my day as usual. I remember being at uni and often having exams on the day when I was living in Tasmania about 18 years ago and my housemates would watch the race on TV along with having the odd bet as well. My housemate always has money on the race as she was born on Melbourne Cup day 33 years ago and treats it like a special occasion which is good for her to do so. I’m just going to curl up and do some knitting as the weather has turned overcast and has the high potential for rain so not very nice to be outdoors to be honest! 

Take care and stay safe!


Re: Good Morning!

Not working @FloatingFeather  had good luck w roughies in sweeps in the past . 10 years ago was in really good job plus got 2 cash envelopes 1 for a place and 1 for last lolo @Former-Member 

not even sure where TAB is here might get couple mystery bets if remember 

Re: Good Morning!

Think only woke as cold here @Former-Member went back to sleep prob 12hrs all up lol must have needed it . Just nearly lunchtime and done nothing tho lol 

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

Our days sound similar. It was a big sleep for me too @TAB just chilling out and watching Netflix - lol - not very Racey !!

Re: Good Morning!

yeah I rarely see it, was big expediction to pub last year or year before to drink and bet ,was ok for hour or 2 then left @StuF  lol

Re: Good Morning!

yeah one day I might get netlfix @Former-Member  lol no decent 4G signal inside here as in caravan plus people everywhere outside, well 2 bars in park grounds, get to nearest street its full signal all the time lol i get 1 bar in van, drops to 1-2 bars 3G which wouldnteven do a phone call these days lol

Getting new (secondhand) modem soon tho, lot more powerful than $50 coles job been using last few years apparently ha ha , plus can fit external antennas to it lol

Re: Good Morning!

Yeah @TAB 

Used to be 'fun' or at least fun-ny when I worked in many drunk idiots... (I usually wasn't entirely sober myself, but yeah...)

Re: Good Morning!

Ooooo, new modem sounds good @TAB !

Re: Good Morning!

Good afternoon @Judi9877 

What are you knitting today xx

Very hot and humid here had some thunder and a 5 second shower 

Power went out through last night , boy it was hot 🔥 

Home now and relaxing in the aircon 

@FloatingFeather , @Former-Member , @TAB , @StuF 

Re: Good Morning!

Hey @Former-Member @TAB
Yeah I think I'm a bit more open to religion but on my terms