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Re: Good Morning!

sounds good @Bow  😊 sometimes think I would be better off using a rake or a shovel to 'tidy up' lol been telling myself to empty at least 2 of many plastic  bins moved here in so its believable that everything could fit in car if and when I get moving again lol

Re: Good Morning!

I am making curtains for all my windows. It has taken me a long time to start them i was not sure if they would turn out my brain has not been working for about 2 years.

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @Katalina7  😊 and Welcome 

would you like to have a look at Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂  also if you want to 'tag' a particular person typing an '@' brings up a dialogue box with names of recent users in thread or type a username if you know it. Hope your curtains go okay 


@Former-Member et al ?


Re: Good Morning!

Afternoon all
Just getting some sun light on my break. Really nice day here.
Plus having 1 coffee only has helped I think

Re: Good Morning!

you're so clever @Former-Member crocheting a dress!!  that's amazing.  


I am having a very slow and easy day, although looking forward to seeing my little A granddaughter at 2.30pm.  


hi everyone, hope you're all having an okay day.  Stay safe if in water flooded areas.

@MDT @TAB @Eve7 @Shaz51 @Snowie @Emelia8 

Re: Good Morning!

Morning@TAB and all

Haven't been on much today. Probably won't be again for a few hours.

Glad you got physio booked 🙂


Avagoodone everyone


Re: Good Morning!

Hi ,sounds like a good day ahead for you @BlueBay  thanks for the tag 😊

Re: Good Morning!

take it easy hey @StuF 

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

What a wonderfully productive day @Bow!


And @BlueBay, such a nice thing to look forward to! 


@Former-Member, I'm in Vic too. Stay safe out there! What kind of changes are looking o make?


@Eve7 absolutely raisin toast counts. Now I have a craving!!!!



Hope the day continues to be great for everyone!   

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

@Former-Member you sound a bit like a hippy with your crochet dress! ❤️  I follow a woman on facebook that makes lots of alternative knitwear for sale plus sells original patterns.  As for your question, I'm just getting rid of the so called healthy chocolate "cacao" as its not good for my anxiety.  Eliminating dairy totally and other foods that feed viruses and pathogens and doing more health protocols which I wish I could share but can't mention here because of SANE guidelines (It gets me into trouble lol)