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Re: Good Morning!

@MDT hope you recover quickly from covid. Take good care. 

Re: Good Morning!

Well @MDT I'm into UFO'logy say no more! lol Yes if you care to look and speak to contactees, alien abduction counsellors, and people in the secret space programs you will find your answer! 😁 Its right in your face, but then again theres probably a pill for that in the DSM unless you have a shrink like this - John E. Mack that writes a book risking his career to evidence alien life.


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Re: Good Morning!

All Good @MDT

Re: Good Morning!

i take the view that the universe is so vast and expansive that we can't be the only intelligent species in the universe...... but yeah idk.... @SmilingGecko

Thanks @Meowmy i think i will be okay but maybe just get bored a bit idk....

Re: Good Morning!

No good with the covid @MDT


But hopefully you get a mild dose and boredom is the worst thing. You have to isolate for 7 days yeah?



Re: Good Morning!

Hello @Meowmy its a quarter moon in Pisces today - lots of challenge and confrontation that affects the sensitive mind.  I saw an astrologer mention this and and was told to try and create inner peace and purpose rather than being swept away in the wrong direction.  Been feeling like this today a lot! URGH. Did some vagus nerve stimulation to calm my body and brain, but its been one of those days, yes.

Re: Good Morning!

yeah @StuF
party time lol
got plenty of gardening to do so i can make some coin haha

Re: Good Morning!

and wood to burn in fire @StuF lol

Re: Good Morning!

@MDT hey hams, you have good attitude. I was very down when I had covid a while back. You are champion !!

Re: Good Morning!

@SmilingGecko hey there. Yea, guess the universe is a bit moody this morning. It turned put to be a nice sunny day here. Had nice long walk home. Take care