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Re: Good Morning!

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Re: Good Morning!

Oh that is just so funny @greenpea.  I used to be anorexic with a permed hairstyle.  I dont think hairdressers today even know how to do a perm according to what I've read LOL Anyway those were the days in the 1980's 

Re: Good Morning!

@Shaz51  how are you Shaz51? I hope you are doing ok. 😄

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Re: Good Morning!

I have never heard that song. Her voice is incredible @greenpea 

Re: Good Morning!

@Former-Member  Hmmm sounds similar to me but I had the computer talking to me.  I know what you mean re meds working I feel quite normal and wonder about the meds. I wish I could give you a clear cut answer just dont give up the meds as my psych told me the damage to the mind that happens is worse the second time around .....

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Re: Good Morning!

I've had people tell me that I'm fine just stop taking my meds, but I won't @greenpea @they're helping me in the long run I guess - it is what it is. I'm accepting my difference and hope you accept that too, if it's of any significance to you. Just watching hunger games, have a good night 

Re: Good Morning!

@Former-Member  Those were the days.


Head to the Sex Pistols official store - Listen to more from Sex Pistols: Think you know Sex Pistols? Test your knowledge with this quiz: ...

Re: Good Morning!

@Former-Member  you too Itsjustme1Heart

Re: Good Morning!

Everyone is welcome to the party!': the B-52s on 40 years of new wave | Pop  and rock | The Guardian

so 80s lol @greenpea @Former-Member  the B52s ..


Re: Good Morning!

Hi @BPDSurvivor 


It’s so lovely to hear from you Heart


Crazy and hectic weeks can be incredibly gruelling and exhausting!


I hope that the week ahead is a little less chaotic and that you’ve been able to take some time over the weekend to rest and recuperate Heart


Take kind and gentle care of yourself,


ShiningStar Heart