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Re: Good Morning!

Hey @Historylover
I see re: uni. Yes it's a huge ask to learn how to do references and such.
I do hope you have figured that much out. But yes I think the compulsory addition of abstracts is what made the score so high at 46%
That does happen. It's silly.

I haven't got much clue how to navigate it other than to say so long as what you wrote is OK. And that you referenced it where you had to.

Re: Good Morning!

Yeah the next stage of my life - something cyber related methinks @Historylover

I just want my current role to finish (1 week left) so that I can free up my time and mind to really engage with the cyber related industry.
My grad cert in cyber security was a bit of a let down due to the fact that the institution were lazy. So I have a plan to go back through it and actually learn things.
There are so many resources out there to do this with

Re: Good Morning!

Howdy @TAB
Yeah I heard of this phenomenon
Its part of their obsession to compete internationally
I think universities here will be better off training the next generation to contribute to Australia and not worry so much about rankings internationally. They are compueting in a league way above otherwise.

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @Ant7 @MDT @TAB @greenpea @Former-Member @Historylover @Meowmy @Adge @Shaz51 @BPDSurvivor @frog @Daisydreamer @cloudcore @Former-Member @Former-Member @TideisTurning @Former-Member @Former-Member @outlander @Zoe7 @AussieRecharger @HenryX @Emelia8 @oceangirl and all forumites here. Have a great Sunday!


I've got a physical visit to the GP to attend this afternoon for a driver's license medical review and I've got to pick up a few things at the shops with my housemate. I'm also planning on seeing my sister to deliver dinner to her and to finally collect my cat after my cat being away when I was in hospital nearly 6 weeks ago at her house. I've also got uni study to definitely complete after not doing it last night and do the assessment later tonight as well or early tomorrow morning! Ah, the life of a uni student!


Take care and stay safe!


Re: Good Morning!

I thought I was taking on an introductory course and it would be 'a walk in the park' @MDT. Surprise! I was thrown in the deep end having to navigate my way through so many things I've never encountered before, and it has been HUGE! In fact, I have only done the essentials and have left the optionals. I can do that when the course is finished. At least, when I have it under my belt, I'll just have to build on it for future work. To be honest, I don't want it to stop. I could do this for the rest of my life and be very content.


I guess it takes a little while for the procedures to become second nature.

Re: Good Morning!

Hearing you @MDT about a few things you mentioned.

Also Australia has long suffered a brain drain, and what is wrong with educating people for work here, not the endless, be the best and jump ship ....

Re: Good Morning!

That is such a let down that your institution wasn't up to par, @MDT. Unfortunately lecturers like that are everywhere. Such a pity. They don't know what they are missing. I couldn't imagine a better field of employment than engaging with hungry minds and measuring their growth in a year — including their own. It's a win-win situation if they are suited to it. 


One week left for your studies. Sounds like it has been a hard slog this year. It sounds a fascinating field of study. You were born in the right generation for such skills! 


I found youtube an invaluable resource for self-education if you can find the right person. 

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB It's blatantly obvious to everyone except those who should be doing something about it! Such a waste of one of the most valuable commodities any culture has — intellect!

Re: Good Morning!

...but it's the only life, @Judi9877. Sounds like a busy day ahead. Have fun!