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Re: Everything music

@StuF  StuF!

Re: Everything music

@tyme Bullsbrook’s finest establishment.

The Bee 🐝 Sweet Water Hotel.


Re: Everything music

@Glisten if I have to listen to Nickelback this is the only one I can endure.


@StuF I'm with you. Ex bestie loved Nickelback and one time when she was playing one of their CDs I was physically sick. Had to race to the loo to throw up. I saw it as a sign...!

Re: Everything music

Is that on bread? @Glisten 


I thought you gave them beer!

Re: Everything music

Re: Everything music

@tyme you are so FUNNY 😆 

Bread doesn’t hold water.

It is the lid from a 15 litre bucket 🪣 

Broken brick 🧱 on the lid so the bees 🐝 don’t drown.

Sugar diluted in water. They drank about a half a litre.


Re: Everything music

Ohhhh! @Glisten 


You know, I owned bees in the past? I did something similar but used rocks.


I didn't see that they were bricks you used so I thought it was old bread!

Re: Everything music

@tyme you were a beekeeper 🐝?!

I want ALL the details! When, where, how, why and who?

Ready set GO


It’s something I think I could get into.

Re: Everything music

Nah.. someone gave me a hive. The one with the frames. 


I had it for a while. Nothing special. It was good when I had it. @Glisten 


But obviously I wasn't very good so the queen left lol