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Re: Craft Corner


I so want to live in Shetland....


Your painted stones @CheerBear  take me back to when I was a kid and would buy little tins of enamel paint from the hobby store to decorate the shells I collected. 


Here's another card I made, it has two names Glistening Cut Surface or Dust from a Distant Sun.  



Dust from a Distant Sun 2.jpg



The background is the Bug Nebula or Butterfly Nebula (NGC 6302) for the astronomy/astrology fans.  @Owlunar 


Waves to @Faith-and-Hope   

Re: Craft Corner

I have recently started rag-rug weaving and it is a great hobby for in front  of the telly or while listening to an audiobook or podcast. I only started after I had already given all my cottong sheets to the bushfire crafts for animal pouches, so my rug is not as pretty as I would like and I can't stop up on better fabric at the moment, but I definitely enjoy doing it, and I should have a nice big circle rug for my cold loungeroom floor (eventually!).

Re: Craft Corner

way to go my @Octopoddie how nice , maybe take a photo and show us xx

Hello @CheerBear@Jo-anneJoy@outlander 

Re: Craft Corner

sounds fun!

Re: Craft Corner

My only picture is from the day I went to the workshop to learn, so it is still very small here (mine is the blue and white one on the right)rag rugs.jpg

Re: Craft Corner

@Octopoddie @Jo-anneJoy  Omg! both your works are extroadinarily good. What a talented bunch of formites we have :)xxx

Re: Craft Corner

@Octopoddie  They are lovely. It looks like a relaxing hobby. I’ve never done anything like that. 👍👍

Re: Craft Corner

@CheerBear  One of my stones. The colours on the other one are not right, I will try again.


Re: Craft Corner

@Maggie it's so beautiful! The contrast with the colours - love it! 😍 I have a mould (only one - one is in transit) now and some powder arriving tomorrow 😁 Super excited!

@Octopoddie they look so fun! Very clever!

Re: Craft Corner

Oh @CheerBear  does that mean you might try making a stone sometime today? 

In between silly mad business that is..👍👍💜