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Re: Craft Corner

yep i think so.. @CheerBear
i dont the slip knot and then the next step after that where you loop them till you make 12 (on that video i shared) but i cant get past that part

Re: Craft Corner

dont= done

Re: Craft Corner

Sometimes it can help to see pictures as well as use the videos.


This is single crochet (written as "sc" in a pattern) into the chain.

 images (21).jpeg



(Might help if I added the photo hey? 😉)


The very first row of single crochet is harder than all the others as they go into a chain stitch which is a little wonkier than an actual stitch. It gets easier from here ☺

Re: Craft Corner

lol @CheerBear
well ive done the first chain stich. ill see if i can find a clear picture so i can get the next step. i dont get how to link each chain up

Re: Craft Corner

lol yes it might!
im still on the first row

Re: Craft Corner

1.jpg3.png@CheerBear@Zoe7i think i got it..... 

Re: Craft Corner

oh yea @outlander persistence paid off Hon - wtg Smiley Very Happy

Re: Craft Corner

lol @Zoe7 it only took all day! will try the next step tomorrow

Re: Craft Corner

Sometimes things take s long as they take Hon - but now you have it you will know for next time what to do and that will take no time at all - progress @outlander Smiley Very Happy

Re: Craft Corner

@Zoe7 Smiley Very Happy