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Re: Christmas Loungeroom

yeah big pile of laundry here @Hope4me justifiable movements only here today its 37 already at 9am ugh have some leftovers here. Made sure got rid of stuff that was only jusifiable by xmas like icecream, pudding etc. ok by got rid of mean I made sure it was all eaten yest lol

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

leftovers and lounge sounds like a wonderul idea @Hope4me Smiley Very Happy

It is raining and windy here , mr shaz has gone back to bed

I am going to watch movies xx

Hello @Zoe7, @utopia, @TAB, @Owlunar, @Sahara, @CheerBear, @Former-Member, @Kurra, @MoonGal, @aButterfly, @Mazarita, @frog, @greenpea, @Teej, @Wanderer, @Sophie1, @Sophia1

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Hey @Shaz51 hot here 37 @ 9am already . That’s says lounge kitty today 😸

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

That’s says lounge kitty today 😸----- ohhh yes totally @TAB Smiley Very Happy

11-45am here and soooooooo much rain

Re: Christmas Loungeroom


It's nearly 1pm here and there's some cloud cover bringing the temp down. Oh Happy Day!! It's not sticky thank goodness.

Well, off to the couch I go; comedy channel it is...

Cheers guys..

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

what comedyshows do you like my @Hope4me

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Hi everyone Hope all are having a restful day today.  WOW @Zoe7 it was clearly a really good idea to start this thread - 20 pages since yesterday morning.  So lovely to see so many people supporting each other to get through the day, whether celebrating or not.  Too many to tag but sending all best wishes for continued peace and support.


I've given a massage then been napping this morning, eating leftovers, and watched the start of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race.  A tradition in my family as our dad was a dedicated sailor of yachts all our childhoods and beyond.  It's a nice time to remember him.  The anniversary of his passing was on my bro's birthday earlier this month.  That's always a bit sad.


I've raved on A Long Rave thread about yesterday and the night before so won't do it again here.  Let's just say it was hectic!  But mostly pleasant.  However yesterday morning started with 2 hrs with Mum at emergency dep't at hospital due to sky rocketing blood pressure. (over 200)   Which resulted in no treatment at all and sent home, told to relax and enjoy her holiday.   She seemed better this morning but we were told by her not to talk about it so there's no way of knowing for sure. And has now left to travel further south.  Her visit had big challenges in it for me, but I got through it, taking time out in my cabin when I needed to and managing not to bite when she dangled bait in my direction.  A lot of compromise, but worth it for peace.


Once again, best wishes to all here and thanks to you @Zoe7 xx

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

It has been a great place for all those over this christmas period to connect @eth whether they were enjoying time with fmily or alone on the day. I have just returned from a lovely lunch with my mother and sister for my mum's birthday - and brought home leftovers from my sister from yesterday. Will have cold meat and salad for dinner tonight methinks.

Hi to all passing through this thread today and over the last few days - it has been wonderful to see each other supporting others and getting through this time of year.

@Shaz51 @Hope4me @TAB @utopia and all those passing through...

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Hi @Zoe7  nice to hear you've had a good day.  I'm looking forward to leftovers tonight too.  And hopefully a trip to the beach before then.

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

I had a trip to my parents' place and then another one to where we had lunch so resting up this afternoon @eth Toby is already sound asleep after his little adventure to my parents' place so no beach for us today - maybe tomorrow if I can get enough rest for the remainder of today and tonight.