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Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Spiritual wisdom of Ages pre dates and was usurped by Christianity as u know @Appleblossom soz the Modern Day Theoligical God ie money ie Everyone needing to be paid because they exist while some are still in ok subsistence slavery Hey lets All Be Americans .. Not.

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Hi everyone, 


I just wanted to wish all of my amazing forum friends a happy and safe Christmas and an amazing new year ahead. 


Life is such a roller-coaster but we all manage to find a bond here. I have really loved meeting and chatting with each and everyone of you and hope our friendship can grow in the new year.


To those struggling this Christmas and who are alone, we are all in this together and give strength and take strength as you need it. Your not alone and you are all always in my thoughts. 


Merry Christmas everyone and a better new year. 



Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Merry day to all here! Smiley Happy



Re: Christmas Loungeroom

I know many here in this forum won't be celebrating Christmas Day as perhaps you're alone, have no family or friends, are just too unwell to be part of overwhelming events or perhaps you're in hospital. You might think and feel life is helpless, hopeless and worthless. That no one cares nor would anyone miss you.

I don't feel your life is hopeless, because there's always a chance tommorow is different. It might bring better news to improve your life. And while you might feel worthless, you have worth in spades that perhaps you can't see, but others like me can. Your worth is in the strength you have to survive, to carry on. Your worth is in your survival, and it's in the dignity that you hold yourself up with, when everything else is trying to pull you down.

And although I might not know you here, even if I know you a little or a lot, I care greatly that you're in pain and struggling. I really care, because I have my own understanding of that pain.

So I won't wish you a Merry Christmas, but I wish you well, I wish for you that if you're struggling please reach out to people hear, that care immensely and can listen without judgement. I wish you love, kindness and compassion.

Please know that you're in my thoughts constantly.

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Really beautiful @Sans911

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

@Jacques @Sans911 Lovely words and very well said Smiley Very Happy

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Today should be a day where we appreciate and value family and reflect a little on the year that has been but for many both of these are difficult or sad times. I value the 'family' that we have here in the forum and although it is not a real life family it is real for me. Hold onto this family and reach out today for all those that need that connection - being alone on any day is tough but being alone on special days can make it even harder. My thoughts are with all those that find this day overwhelming or difficult for whatever reason and also to those that are alone or feel lonely today. For many it is simply another day - one to get through and find a way to endure. Many hugs and much love coming to you all Heart


For those who are alone today and also for those celebrating the day I hope it is filled with peace and joy and all the good that a day can bring. You are all being thought of here and I hope you find it a safe place to land today if you need to connect with someone. Stay safe, stay connected and know you are cared for here Heart

Not applicable

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Just stopping by to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, or the closest thing there is to it for you.  And thank you to each and every one of you for all that you do around here, in helping others or just being here for those in need.   @Zoe7 @outlander @Sans911 @Mazarita @Jacques @Maggie @Shaz51 @Faith-and-Hope @Peri @Starta and many others.


Image result for Merry Christmas


Just dropping off a few Christmas treats for you to graze on throughout the day.  Hope you enjoy.


Image result for Christmas treats

Image result for Christmas treats

Image result for Christmas treats

Image result for Christmas treats

Image result for Christmas treats

Image result for Christmas treats


Much love and care to you all.

Sherry Heart

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Love an peace to you @Former-Member Hoping your day is as good as it can be Heart

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

@Zoe7 @outlander @Sans911 @Mazarita @Jacques @Maggie @Shaz51 @Faith-and-Hope @Peri @Starta @TAB @outlander @utopia @eudemonism @Appleblossom @Ant7 @Adge @Bella


Lol. I hope you all have a good day today. I am drinking my Melbourne coffee and then it's off to buffet lunch with family.

I hope you all have a good day and that you are in some way celebrating. Even if it is a hard day for you I am thinking of you today. Take a break and enjoy it, as hard as it can be. You are worthwhile and you are loved here on SF.