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Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

Well that made me cry...good tears... Thank you.....

Ceeelllll-e-brats    Over the edge.... for courage and keeping those small steps going.

I didn't know this thread existed.

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

I second that @Maggie
@Former-Member has been so courageous!

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

A big shout out to @Maggie and @soul for all the support you guys have been providing!---- ohhhh yessssss Smiley Very Happy

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

@OverTheEdge has been so courageous! HeartHeart

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

Yay @Maggie! So deserved! Your posts are always so warm, kind and caring!

And another big yay and so well deserved @soul! I especially love your seemingly never ending supply of funny memes and pics lately!


Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

Thank you so much, my friends. I found this Forum during a time of need and it has provided me with such a safe and loving environment in which I can vent and pour out my heart. It has helped me in ways I can't even begin to explain especially during times when I was so close to the edge.

To be able to give a little back has been a privilege. I would so love to sit down in a beautiful park on a lovely sunny day and have a picnic with you all. 

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

@soul @Maggie well deserved pats on the back for both of you! 

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

Brilliant choices @NikNik.
Congratulations to @Maggie and @soul! Only those who have experienced very similar or virtually the same conditions can truly understand and provide support that really helps. You both truly deserve this recognition. Hugzzz.

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

Tonight I want to celebrate @TheVorticon !!

TheVorticon - you seem to be cruising around on your skateboard (like this cool pup above Smiley Very Happy) providing really empathetic support and making people feel heard. Whether it be a simple 'thinking of you' in 'Riding the a wave' or sharing your own experiences to benefit others, like in 'Lacking motivation', you help people feel less alone.

Your contributions and kindness are so valuable to this community!

Re: Ceelllllll-e-brate good times! A place to celebrate ourselves and eachother :)

Great choice @NikNik Smiley Happy

@TheVorticon  you 'pop' up every now and then like a Pokemon out of your games - and just like some of those hard-to-find 'characters' you are a treasure when you emerge. Very well deserved TheVortican - wouldn't be the same on here without you Smiley Very Happy